Verf, 3!. the Epiftle to the Romans. in every houfhQld; or elfe for the faithfull, ( which being not many at firft)gathered together in their houfe,to celebrate their alfemblies: for they might not have in moll places the free ufe of Chriftian religion, through the malice of the Jeans fomewhere, and elfewhere of the Gentiles; fee AU. 13. and 14. Epenetus is intituled the firft fruites of Achaia, both becaufe he was in order of time the firft which profeffed Chrift in that country ( as firft fruites came before the reft) and for that in degree of piety and vertue he excelled others, as firft fruitcs are bóth reaped before, and be the chiefe and choice ofthe crop. A worthy thing it is to give the onfet, and to begin to leade others the way, which fear and worldlineffe makes men backward to do ; yea keepeth numbers from following others that have broken the Ice, and made an entrance into the zealous profeflion and pra &ice of Chri- flianity. The other titles of beloved, approved, of labouring in theLord,and being in the Lord, (given to diverfe here) do note how dear they were to Peul, for their profeffion of faith, or fruites of their faith : and teach that others ought to be fo far forth beloved and efteemed of, as they pertain to Chrift our Common. Lord,and thew the fame by their faithfull endeavours to further the Gofpell. Alto note verfe 7. to be inC hrift,fignifies to be a Chriftian or faithfull perfon : and to be [approved in Chrift] is to be unblameable or with- out reproof, nay well allowed of for his faithfufneffe and confhancy in the caufe of Chrift. Whereas he falutes fume of his kinf- men, learn, that to oúr kindred when they be godly, we are tied by a double band,one of nature, the other of religi- on : and therefore fuch as forfake and forget their Christian religious kindred, do give eau le to fear, left neither piety nor humanity be had in regard bÿ them. Í Such as were in bonds with Paul for the Gofpell fake, are therefore called his fellow - prifoners. They fuffered bondes and imprifonment with him, ;and fo (hewed their hearty love both to Chrifi 623 and to his Apoflle Faul, whom they for- took not as diverfe others did, a lim.4. Ali forfook, me, but did cleave to his doctrine by faith,and became his fellows inafílietions. LetChriftianslearn thus ro lovéthe word,and the Miniflers of it: inch imprifonment is more Tweet then liberty. Alto, whereas forne are commended for labouring in the Lord,and others for labouring much in him ( that is in the divulging of his truth, and edifying his Church or doing other fervices of cha- city:) hereby we do learn,that there is a difference among Labourers, Ionic ac- cording to their means, opportunities, gifts and great zeal, labour more and Come leffe; but each are to have their due praife, even he who laboureth little, as, well as he who laboúreth much : none are to be defrauded. Whereas verfe =3. Rufus mother is called Paula mother, underftand a mother by affation, not naturali. Ob- fervethat Ariflobulur and 2(areif us are not faluted, as being bejike not yet converted : and Nan/flu/ is thought tó have been ful ofriches and naughtineffe, overthrowing many a worthy man by calumnies, yet both had Chriftians in their families. The kiffe which Paul mentioneth verfe x6. fheweth the cuftome to be ancient, for the Saints at their meeting, to declare mutual! good will by a kiffe; which was given Tome - time in token offubjeftion, as Gen. 42. and Pfal. 2. xa. Sometimes a ligne of charity : this was chiefly done before the receiving of theEuchariff, to teflifie peace and brotherly amity. Whence arofethe fuperftitious killing the Paxe in Popery, which depraves and abufeth all good things. By adding [holy] he diftinguilhes, s chaff kiffes from wan- ton, and a adulatory, and 3 proditory, and 4 dillimulatory kiffes, fuch as Joab, Judas, and Ammon gave, which is no fmall thing. For as giving the hand one to the other at our meeting, after long abfence, fignifieth the delivery of our heart to him toward whom we gfe fuch geflure,fo killing (of all other geftures )' bath I know not how, the molt evident and