624 An Expofation upon Chap.16. Iatad exprefs rcprefcntation of that which 2,3,4, &c. Six year atter that, even lull Is within. For whereas life corffteth in fourteen yeares after that he 6i ft had + refpiration, and our breathing is by our met Paul at Jerulalem, ( which was the mouth, kitting isa ligne that a man is 51. year from Chrifis birth) he was at ready to communicate, and as it were to 3erufalem, where he gave Peul and Bar - infutèhis own proper foul to another, nabas the right hand of felltowfhip, Gal. A cuftome not fo antient for ufe, 1 Pet. 2. 9.At which time a councell was held 5.14.in Eafterne Churches efpecially,but at Jerufalem, All. 15. and then it was now is as grofly abufed in the Wefterne, agreed upon by mutual! content., Gal. 2. and by fuch as afford this love -token 9. that Paul fhould preach unto the even to dogs. Gentiles , and Peter to the Jews, who Finally,whereasPaulfamiliarly nameth by an edict were caft out and banifhed and íluteth many of his acquaintance at from Rome ; fo asall this while he came Rome and far more then other Churches not there. When the Councell was dif being better known unto him, yet not folved, whither did Peter go ? to Borne? once mentioneth Peter, who fhould be (his Sea and feate as the Papilla faine). the chief Pallor there, as Papills fay : nay to Antioch, where he was to his The Apoflle tither did forget and face (a bold a& to be "done, if Peter had negle&,him (which is unlike, ) or Peter been Pope) he was I fay reproved of was unworthy (as an Apoltata) of his Paul for his diflimulation, Ga /at. 2. which is untrue : or Peter Moreover, when Paul was firfl led pri- was not then at Kane, which is not un, loner to Rome, he found not Peter probable , yea, whether he were there at there, for thenwould not Luke having all or no, is uncertaine. For we do not fo good occafion to mention him Af[. finde in all the hiflory of the Alit or 2S. have pafkel hint over in filence : and other parts of the New Teflament, that Paul having been a frée prifoner for ever Peter came at Rome, no not one two yeares at Rome complained that all fyllable to that purpofe ;therefore it can forfook him : What Peter too? no ve- be no article of faith,or thing neceffary, rily; which argueth all this (pace Peter to be beleevcd unto falvation ; for all not to have been at Rome. Sure it is fuch things are either exprefly written, impoftible he flrould fit Bifhop there or by nece Wary deduâion,to be colle&ed fo many years, full 25% till the lafl year out of Scriptures, which are (as Origen of Nero, as Popifh Chronologers rec- faith ) the fol e norme and rule of Faith, kon,and to fuffer martyrdome there,and the unmoveable Canon of verity, have his Sepulcher there. Or if all this ( as ireneus) the molt exa& gnomon, were true, what is this to the Pope be- bal lance, and fquare of all truth, as ing no fucceffor to Peter in do&rine and Cbry[offotee. piety, whatfoever he be for place and Againe, what (hall wee fay if the dignity? 1f he had fucceflion of his Scriptures do teach the quite contrary? Ghaire (a thing more then queftion- For Paul was converted a yeare or able) yet he had none of his faith.From thereabouts, after the afcnefion of our which Rome now, how far it is gone Lord. The third year after Pauls mira- from ancient Rome, bath been in fun - culons converfion in his way to Da- dry parts and paffages of this Epiffle maJcus, Peter went to ,7erufalem, where obferred : and in many other more he continued with Paul the fpace of learned and unanfwered, nay unanfwe- fifteen dayes, Gal. r. IS. all this while rable treatifes hath been of late de- petee was not at Rome. Eight years after monftrated, both at home and abroad, Phuls converfion, Peter was abiding fo as were not their fore - heades of at Jerufalesn, being imprifoned was braffe, and their hearts ofadamant,their fought for to be killed by Herod, confciences feared with an hot iron, ¡about the third year of Claudius; as Í they would blu(h for ( hante, and repent (yet then he was not at Rome, liïi. 1ì.i with forrow, that they had fo longftri- 1 ven