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Verf.i7'. the Epflle ven for Dagon, for an idolatrous religi- on,and for Babylon a mother of abomi- nations and whoredomes,Revel.t7.5. Of whofe cup of fornications as they íä1l delight to drinke ; fo they certainly fhall drinke with her of the cup of Gods vengeance, Revel. 18.4. and 16.19. By the [Churches of Chrift] he mea - neth particular aflèmblies, (members of the, univerfall Church ) neer to the places where Paul was now remaining, profefliing the faith ofChrift, and deno- minated by their places where they were, as the Church of Corinth, Galatia, Antio- chia, &c. DIA LOGUE II. Verf. 17,18,19,20,21,22,23. Now I befeechyou brethren marke them which caula divifians and offences contrary to the doiî'rine which you have learned, and avoiu them. 18For they that are fxch, love not the Lord 3ejus,but their own bellies,andby good words and faire fpeches, deceive the hearts of the fimple. 19 t or youur obedience is come abroad unto all men : I am glad therefore on your behalfe, but 'yet I. would have you wife to that which is good, and fimple concerning that which is evill. 20. And theGod of peace (hall tread Satan un- der your feet fbortly :2 he grace of our Lord' 3ef ue Chriff, be with you all. Amen. 21. Timotheue my work fellow, &c. T IM OT mu Us. HOw cloth the Apofite proceed, and what things be continued in thefe ver fes ? S 1 L. When he had mentioned and fainted divers godly perlons amongft them, whom he would have to let as ex- amples to follow ; now he admonilheth them whom they are to elehew, namely heretickes and fchifmatickes, which by opinions rent them felves from the truth of do&rine, or in their wicked manners give fcandals. Touching there, he would have them marked and nar- rowly looked into, becaufe they are not eafily found out, and through negli- gence of overfeers, they do creep into the flock. Secondly,he wilheth to avoid totbe Rótnans. 625 them, both by (banningprivately their company for fear of taking inle&ión from them, and of hardening them by our familiarity ; and by (butting them (after once or twice admonitions, Titus 3. 1 o.) out of publick affeniblies by ex- communication, (which is the (word of the Church, to ftrikeand cut off rotten and pernicious members. ) Alfo by cafling them into banifhment, if they go on to pervert others, which is the Magiftrates care and part, verle 17. and in ver. 18. To the end the Chriffians at Ronne might the bettter confider and de- cline fuch pefts and Serpents, whirls at Corinth and Galatia had been, and were like enough to be among the Romans: alto towindein themfelves to ditlurbe the peace and deflroy the truth and uni- ty oftheChurch; (which Satan in his members moil Ifudioufly endevoureth) therefore he giveth certain notes where; bytoknow there feducing and fcanda- laus perlons. The 6rftis, they leek to turn men from the true do&rine, (fuch as Paul in his Epiftle, and other Apo- files in their Sermons' and writings taught )broaching opinions either ex diametro contrary, or at leaf betides, (para lignifies both, as Rom. 1.26.) that do&rine which is Apoftolicall.The pu- rity of thewholefome words of Chrift is corrupted, when ought either other, or otherwife is brought in, either when truth by humane inventions is adultera- ted, or falfe do &rine apparently crofling the Scriptures, is maintained, r 7im:r. Gal. 1.8,9. This is then one figne of a deceiver, to lead away from ancient do- &rine received from the beginning by the miniftry of Chrift and his Apoflles, job. 2. 20. Another figue in ver. 18. is their hy- pocrifie : howfoever they indeed ought to be, and in words do pretend to be fervants ofChrift, (having his name Je. fit s,Lord, &c. and the.profeflion of him much in their mouths, as if they were the, only perfons which took pleat-are and care to pleale, ferve, and honour him, to defend his faith and religion) yet they do nothing lefle, being ene- mies to his do &rine,.and true fervants, Phil.,