626 An Expofition upon Phil.3.1 8. and think they do a meritori- ous a& to def}roy true Chriftians,14atth. Io.1y,18. Yob. 16.2,3. The third figne is their end thy ayme at, which is to Cerve their belly ; for filthy lucre they teach things which they ought not, I Iirn.6.5. Tit. s.1I, I making their belly (not Jefus Chrift) their God,Phil. 3.1 8 And who would not be alhamed to have them for teachers who have their belly for their God, coyning new and falfe opinions for temporali commodi- ties fake? The fourth marke is from their Art and pra&ife, which they ufewhen they will feduce ; it is by faire and flattering 1peeches, whereby they fleale away mens hearts, pretending their good, when they mean it not, (as the Serpent circumvented Eve ) promifing much, and performing nothing, fpeaking plea - mg things(as if they would lay bolfters of donne under their elbowes, Ezek 13 18.) and with Tweet fugered words praifing both the perlons and doings of fuch as they would enfhare : like Phyftians who ntinifter dele &able things, to thefe tooth and fmooth over mens faults, commending where they should condenme : and this is fignified (as Origen thinketh) by Cheeps cloa- thing, Matth.7. 25. As greedineffe for their bellies declares them to be rave- nous wolves, and as the) Crocodile by thew of pity and humanity doth beguile fuels as come peer him ; fo do thefe corrupters feek nothing but to deceive by their flatterings, like Judas or Joab, fpeaking Tweet words,that without fuf- fpicion they might put out the fling of erroneous doarine; and this their cun' ning makes it fo hard to difcover them, and to much the more needfull to marke and observe them. The laf} thing whereby they are here noted, is the objea whereon theft im- poffours do worke,and it is unwary and heedleffe people which neither miftruft nor marke their malice.Widowes whole 'hooks they devour under pretence of prayers and bleifìngs, fuch as Paul (peaks of, filly women laden with fin, 2 7iai. 3.6. As Satan fet on Eve fir ft, fo his Chap, i6 fervants attempt women which are leife cautelous, yet vehement being once Wonne, and powerfuIl perfu.ders of their husbands, to whom they are neer and dear. Howfoever this defcription did agree with fuch as did Judaize, yoaking Mojes and the law, with Chrift and grace in the caufe of falvation, and doth alto well fit other deceivers and hereticks, yet never did coat fo fit a mans back, as thefe markers do agree with Fryars, Monkes, Prief}s, and Jefuites efpecially, as it is notorioufly known to the whole world,how they boat} ofJefus(ofwhom they have their pane Jefuites ) but be nothing leiTe then good Chrif}ians, at- tending lucre, deceiving limple folkes. Alto confider here that theft markes of difcerning, be fo many reafóns to per- t-trade declining from reducers : for who ought not to abhorre and avoid fuch as do pervert the pure doarine of Chrift, and perfuade us to forfàke the fountain oflife, to go to Ciflerns which hold no water ? fuch as alto be hypocrites, pro- faring the fervice of Chrifl, and yet -ad- diaed wholly to voluptuoulneffe and gain, fuch as with goodly and glorious words do bring afleep unheedfull per - Ions, to the end they may more fecurely make a prey of their goods and fonios. Upon which confiderations, all Chef - ftians (}and bound to obferve and avoid them. T-1 m. But are there no other reafons in our Text to perfuade care and diligence in avoy- ding fuel) ? S 1 L. Yes, theft three : one from the effeas, they do deceive, verle 1S.' well may they promife life and fàivati- on,but death and damnation will prove the crop which will be reaped of fuch impoftures: as the Serpent beguiled our fir(} parents with hope, and great pro- mites, fo do thefe. The fecond reafon is from the faci- lity of the Romans, verle 59. whole ready lif}ning and obeying true Tea- chers being farre and wide divulged and known to their praire, might hap- ly imbolden falfe. Teachers to attempt the perverting of themwith expe &ati- on