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Vert -45. the Epi le:to the Romans. 6 asked, and whofoever know either the worth ofgracc,Orthewant, will much call for.it.And who fo do not fo, either they value not grace, or feel no need of it, which is a wofull dulneffe. Thirdly, here is a reproof againff the Arrianr, Servettcr; and others,that Chrift is equal' to theFather,becaufeChriff is made the giver and difpenfer of Grace, which is proper to the true God. Laftly, this prayer in the end of every Epiffle Paul wrote with his own hand, as a figne whereby to difcern the Epiftle noc to be counterfeit but his own, 2 Thef.4.57. howfoever he ufed the help of a Scribe to pen the reff, yet this claute ate ufed with his own pen to write it. A good caution and prevention of adulterated and falfe writings,thac they be not cogged and crowded inunder the names of lime worthy perfvnages, to get them credite ; an injury which hath been done to fundry learned and godly men. Concerning the zealous praife and thankefgiving, wherewith Paul cele- brateth God in the end of his renowned Epifile, there is nothing, or little in ir, which harh not been already handled in other Dialogues. Howbeit, to give fome touch and tate.of.matters will not be amiffe. Note generally, that there is an Hyperbaton, the fence being fufpended from verfe 25. till 27. and thus it muff be put together. Glory be to bim, (that is to fay) to the only wife God, who is able to eflablifh you, &c. and thus the eonftru&ion is currant, and no imperfe&ion in Paul; fpeech. Obferve yet further, as Paul in the en- trance gave thankcs to God for the Ro- mans, Ch. t. v. 8. and rendreth pralle for himfelf, after his defcription of his fpirituall combate, Cbap.7. v. 25. and upon the difcourfe of the great fecret.of predeffination finifhed, Chap. a t. verfe 3¢. he burfts out into this exclamation and doxologie, O depth, &c. To him be glory for ever: and how clofeth the whole Epifile with the like hearty founding forth of Gods pralle : it may ferve to admonilh us of this duty of praifing God for our felves and others, for his mercies and benefits, for his dolerine and wwrkes; how pleafaot ( as.a lacrif,ce or an odour) it is to God, how the Saints are delighted. With it, having: thonkefgiving oftch in their hearts and . mouthes to witneffe their own joy in God, and to provoke others to magnifie hím.As the Nightin- gale becaù'fe the day is not fuf icier to found forth her Tongs, (pet/doh the night in tinging, fo ought we even in the 'night feafon , to found forth the praifes of God : for this is one of his chief fervices, and in his Children it is exceeding comely to rejoice and praifè his mercies. How did David; pen over. flow with the praiftsof his God, how doth he urge all men to laude and cele- brate his name ? It is a fearfull Tigre of a dead heart to be a niggard, or (paring; careleffe, or cold this way. Learn further, that whereas praifes be offered to God by Jefus Chrift, ver. 27. it is becaufe through him both all good gifts are conveyed to us (as water through a Conduit, from the fountain) and all praifes are by him to be referred to God, that' they may be gracious, t Pet. 2. 5. And therefore Turkes, Jewes, Pagans, which have no true knowledg of Chrift, they cannot worfhip the true God, norgivehim any praife which he (hall accept of: for he that bath not the Son, bath not the Father, and who fo commeth to the Father not by the Son, (hall never be received, Oh, how much are Chriftians beholden to God for the knowledge of his SOnne? Thus farre of the duty of praifing God, and the manner how. The arguments of his pralle be there three, t from .his power, 2 from his goodneffe, 3. his wifedome : Firft, he commendeth his power,ver.25. where- unto he afcribeth their ftrengthening, wherein as he infinuateth their weak -, neffe, what need they had of confirma- tion in refpelt of Satans force,and their own feebleneffe : fo he exprefly tea cheth that It is God alone who can make them able to Rand' and perfevere in this grace to the end, as he fald in Chap. 14. verfe 4. For it is Gods might Hhh2 alone