65o An Expo fition upon Chap, 16.1 alone which excelleth the power of fin, the devill and the world, which be fironger then the ftrongefl in earth. Howbeit from his naked power disjoined from his will, there is no comfort : but the Romani were affttred of Gods love, by their calling and juftifying, &c. Therefore here is matter of comfort,that notwithftanding all the fiery darts of Satan to which they were expofed continually, and all the fury of all the tyrants in the world which perfecute the poor flock let amidft Wolves ; yet they (hall be upheld, be- caufe God which loveth them, bath might enough to uphold them. Alto whatFaulprayeth for, that they were certainly to hope for, being Gods Children, and the thing asked,neceffary to theirfĂ lvation. If any then be weak, run to God, hide you under his power - full prote &ion; ifany finde ftrength to continue, attribute the whole glory to God, who faith to the weak, Be ftrong, and comforteth the feeble minded,fhew- ing his power in greateft weakneffe, 2 COT . t 2.9. The next part of his praife is his goodneffe manifefed in the Gofpell, (which is the preaching of Jefus Chrift) the greatefl outward mercy of God, as the infirun1eut to work grace within : wherein we be warned that our ftrengthning and corroboration of our hearts muff be drawn neither from humane reafon, philofophy, traditions, and inventions of men, no not from the law of God, which difcovers finne, and direE'ts to duty, but comforts not a- gainft terrors within and without ; but from the Gofpell preached, which is the power of God, to the eflablifhing of the heart in faith. Therefore it fhould continually with great reverence be read,heard, fludied, and meditated, as Gods arme to confirme us to the end. We are further to note here in few words thedignity of the Gofpell, (fo he cals his own Epiftle, as Chap. 2. verle t 6.) It is a do&rine of molt fin - gularworthineffe and value. It is extol- led and let forth here by four reafons, firft by the obje& (Chrift Jefus) in whom are flan up all the treafures of wifdome. It is termed the preaching of Jefus Chriff, not fo much a&ively which he preached, as paffivcly being preached concerning him, as the matter and fubje &of it (for the Gofpell is a good word or melrage of Chrift) and not only the efficient cattle and revealer of it. Paul (lefle may other Miniflers) taught neitheir himfell nor from him- fell, but Chrift, by a revelation from Chrift, Gal. i.s6. Secondly, by the forme (a my fiery revealed now by the Scriptures of the Prophets) being before in the other ages precedent even from the worlds beginning kept fecret: of the acceptions of the word Myftery, looke Dialogue on Fom. r r. 25. Here it would be ex- pounded of the vocation of the Gentiles ( rather then the whole do &rine of Chrift) according to Ephef.3.4. which heretofore was taught in fome fort to the Jews only,and but to tome of them, and obfcurely in darke fentences and prophefies, that all nations should be reflored by Chrri ft : yet in comparifott of that clear and bright knowledge which lince Chrift,hath fhined front the beames of the word, it may be Paid to be kept fecret, and to have been hidden, Let men therefore fo much the more provoke themfelves even to reali and great thankfulneffe, by how much more grace is vonchfafed us above that which the Fathers of the old Teftament en- joyed, or elfe to look for the greater condemnation. Many kings and Pro- phets have defired to fee there dayes, &c. Woe be to thee Chorazin, if the great works, &c. Learn yet moreover both the antiquity of the Gofpell (to quit us from novel- ties) and the harmony between it and the Prophets, in that by the Scriptures of the Prophets it is laid now to be made manifeft to us, who ought therefore to Rudy the Prophets with a purpofe to learn Chrift in then : flying popery as the new way,and holding us to the do- &rine of faith as the old and good way. Thirdly,it is praifed by the Author(at the commandement of the everlafting God)