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MEE 11111111111 k PAM An Index or Table of the chiefe Words and Matters opened and treated of in this E PIS TL E. A Bba, Chap. 8. Dial, 14. o Abraham,a ratterne of all juftified perlons ch. 4, verte a. and 2.2.27. Abraham how the Father of the faithful!, and heire of the World, ch.4. V.13. and 37. Abrahams faith commended, ch.4. v.17,18,19. Abraham when j unified, and why circumcifed, ch,4. Dial. 1, 2,5,6,7. Abrahams true children and counterfeit, ch.9. Dial.z. Abraham how the mote of the Jews chi*. Dia1.13.and ay. Abrogation of Mofes Law, how tarre, and wherein not, ch. 6. Dial.8. and ch.7. Dial.z,4. No Abolition of the crea- tures at the !aft day, but an alte- ration only,ch.B.Dial,¡9,10,51. Abftinence from certaine meates at certain times,no mat- ter of Religion of falvation a- ainft Jewifh and Popillt ab- Ltinence, ch.a4.v.17. Abfolution from finne, firft part of Juftification, ch.5.v. t. Altions their end and event, ch. 14.v.6. Adams fall ch.y. v.1203. Adam propagated finne and death unto his pofterity, ch. y. V.15, 13,14, &c. Adam compared with Chrift. to whom he is like and unlike in fundry cefpefts.How,and where- in the fecond Adam excels the firft, ch.y. v.15,16,3 7,18. Adiaphora,that there be Inch, and how todifcerne them, and deal in them,ch.14. throughout. Adoption, what it lignifies, allo how manifold, and what it is,ch.8.v.i5.23. Adoption to. be certainly known,and how,ch.8. v.36. Adoration by Lavin and daulia,a vain diftinftió, c.t.v.9. Adulti, have faith by hearing, ch.to. V.14. Advocate or interceffor, how Chrift is fo, and how the Spirit and what things required to Chrifts advocatelhip, and what comfort in it. Musy no advo- cate,ch.8. v.z6. and 34.. Adultery, ch.'. V.59. Afíiiftions , their caufes, kinds, ends, ufes,and remedies; how they worke patience, ch.y. v :3,4. ch.tz.v.az. Aedification what, ch. 14. v. t9,2o.ch.15. v. a. All not ever put univerfally, i but indefinitely,and for to take away diftinftion of nations, ch. to. v.II.ch.iI. 32.. Alines or beneficence unto the poor, how worthy a duty, and what provocations to it, and hinderances,- ch.oa.13.ch.Ig. ay, 26. Allegation ofScriptures,how tired by the Apoftles, ch. I. 17. and 4. v.3. ch.ta. v.13 I4. Altars,Priefts,and Sacrifices under the Gofpell,arïd how, ch. u.v.t; ch.sy.v.16. Ambition, what,ch, is. v.16. Analogy of faith,what,ch.a a. VII. I a. Anathema,what,and whether Paul prayed to be made fo, ch. 9. v. 3. Angels good and bad, what their power is,ch.8. v.38. Anguilla what,ch.8. v.35. Antiquity of the Giofpeil,and of the Doftrineof free juftifi- cation by faith,ch.i.v.z. & 17. Antiquity of Fathers and Doftors of the Church, what we are to yeeld unto it, ch.9. and Io. its fundry Dial. Antichrift, ch.13. v. 5. ch. sa. V. 10. Apoftle, what is meaneth, how many : of their calling, authority,dignity,diligence and efficacy of the Miniftry, and commiflion, and other markes whereby to know one, ch. a. v.a. ch. t g.v, i4.15. Jefuites no Apoftles : Har- mony between Apoftles and Prophets ch. i y. v. so. al. Application ofdofirine: how it is a part of £aith,ch.i. Appear all muff before Chrift, when, and how, ch. 14. V. Is. Arrogancy and pride, how differ, ch.az, v. a6. Aftrologie conjefturall or Aftronomicall fcience, why and wherein to be blamed, ch. 9. v. 9. to. Affurance, aneceffaryeffeft of faith, ch.4. V.11. Augu /tine no Englilh Apoftle, or converted unto the faith, ch. IO. V.18. Authority the kindes and degrees of it,caufes and ole of ir, How to be fubmitted to, and why,ch. 13. v.1,2,3,4. Awakening, corporali, fpiri.- tuall,why needfull,c.l3.v.I a,1 z. B Backebowed, what it mea. neth,ch.a 3.v.1o. Backbiting, what, ch. 30. Baptifine is not regeneration, but a real of it, whence it path his force:it is not abfelurely ne- ceffary to falvation, it laves not cx