The Index or Table. Chri(lian Religion ancient, and only true Religion. Chriltianity a comfortable proteftion,ch.8. v.1. fo he a Chriftian and the childe of God,what a dignity it is,and in what refpeft,ch.8 V. 7, Children of God under the Croffe,and why. What comforts they have in this eftate, ch 8. v. 17.18. Children of God fantifyed and freed from fin unperfedly, and have therefore a continual' combate with the firth, ch. 7. v. I5,16, &c. Childe of flelh,and of promife, ch.9.v. /S. Church militant, not alwayes vifible and glorious, ch. II. v.4, Church univerfall of Chrift never faileth, particular Chur- ches may fail, ch. 9 5. Church univerlall lath fundry particular Churches, ch. 416. Church of Chrift, the jewes ;haft be called to ii, when,and why,ch. 11.v.z3,z4,2 f,&c. Church in ones houfe, what it is5ch,16,v, 5. Church Englilia a- true Church' of Clara'. Church Eno ilh, hath juftly made fucceflion from Synagogue of Rome, ch. 16, va7it 8, &e. Circumcifion juthifieth not : t which rrer, which not. Why ¡ ordained, ch 2 .V.29. ch.4,tt. Cammandcment, how holy, eocd, jufl, and yet workes finne and death, and tow this may be, i ch.7.v.1 a,13. Combate between flefh and the fpirit defcribed in Pants per - ion, the alfaults and the iffue. ch. 7,so,19,7,o,1z,z2.,z3. Combate bitter and grievous, a marke ofregeneration,ch 7.v. Communion with Chrift, in his death and refurteftion: how neceliwy, how fet forth in Scrip- trite , ch, b.v.f and 8. v.9. Comfort noneout of Chrift, . to true helmets exceeding great ch.8.v.r. Condemnation none to the;S v,1. Concord wherein' and why, ch. sa y 16,18. Confcience- what : the office and force of confcience,c,z 5.15. Confcience, peace theroof, how procured, and how prefer- lead, whether and how it may be loft, ch.f.v. t. Confcience bath no Lawgiver and Lord but Chrift ; no rule and flay but his word, ch.13.v. f. Confcience bindeth us ro o- bedience toward powers, ch. 134% Confcience not fo properly bound by humane Lawes as by divine,ch.8.v.f. Confcience, feekes to reflifie muft not be wounded and offended,ch.14.v.13,15. With Confcience doubtfull do nothing, ch,r4.v.z3. Contcience and faith not all one,ch.14,v.z3. Confcience good and evill, what makes it good, ch. 14. V.13 Contention how lawfull. Contention to be avoided ,and why,ch.s.v.a9,ch.rx.16.& 14,4. Confclíion of Chrift, what it is, a fruit of faith, a way to falvasion, bath great promifes, many graces needful' to it : who are unfit to -make it when to be made,and to whom. ch. ro, v.9, t Cono. feffion of limes, how to be made, it is a token and effefi of repentance, ch,7.V.14. Conftancy required in Chri- ftians, and why,ch. a3.v.i 1. Confufion followes not Faith, and hope,but unbeleef, ch. 5. v. and 5 Contention about doftrine muff be bitter,and why, c.ra,zf.' Creature what it meaneth. Creature, how fubjeft to, va- nity and corruption, chap. 8. V. zo.zt. Creature how it waiteth and groaneth,and why, elm; Curfe others we may not, ch. I z,r4,ch, I I.v.9, xo. Curies and execrations, when they be lawfull, ch,t 1.v.9, to. Cuftomes what, why due to powers,ch.13.v.6,7. D Damnation or condemnation, what it lignifies, removed by Chrift,cb,8.5.i. Datkeneffe fpirituall, all un- der it by Nature, Day of Judgement, when and why uncertain, ever to be re- inembred : how terrible and how comfortable,ch.z.v.6, i6. ch. 14. Death enired by fin,ch, f. v.1 z. Death how manifold, ch.6. v.13'ch.t. V.31, Death eternal wherein it con- f fterh,ch. 6,v, ay. Death how wages of finch, 6. V.23. Death reigneth as a King; how long, and over whom, cb,y, 5.14. Death dilfölver of Nature and msrriage,ch.7, v.1,z. Death the meditation of it, profitable to keep- from fin, eh. &c. Dead to lin, and in fin what it meaneth, ch,6.v. z. Dead to the Law,what, ch. 7,, v.4. I died when the commande- ment came, what it meaneth, ch.7. V.g. Debts to be paid, and why, ch., Debate and deceit, why to be avoided,ch.,,v,z9, Deceitfulneffè of fin, ch. 7. V. II. Deceireus, how many wayes finne cloth, ch.7. v,11. Decree of God,ch. f_v.i1. Delire, a prayer, ch. 8. v. a6. ch.rz,v.iz. Do'no all things commanded in a fink Legal' and Evangeli- licall,ch.Io.v.f Doftrine, the root of exhor- ration, and mother of Faith, ch. 1z.v.i. ch,tf,v,4. Doftrine, the rule and judge ofit is Scripture,ch,g,v,i f,17. Dwelling of fin, what it is, how co mbe rfome,ch.7.v.17. Dwelling of the fpirir, what it mea2ieth,and how needfull,ch. 8.v.9. Elias,how deceived though a Prophet,ch.i I. v.2i3. Eccleftaftical' power, fubjeft to civili power, what to rhinke of their exemptions, ch. ,3. Eleftion diftinguifhed, de- fcribed by caufes, properties, fruites, markes,ch.9. Eletion makes promife of grace effeftuall ch.9, t o,11. Elation, fountain of all good gifts,ch, xi,y.and tf. Eleftion depends upon no- thing which is in the Ele bed, ch. 9,11,1 z. Eleftion manifefted in a fpe- ciall calling,cb.9. V.14. Eleftion made in rung/ cor- rupta,ch. .v.1 1. where look for the whole dotrine ofeleftion. Emcila ion, how it is good and