The Index or Tablë, and c ommendable, ch.rr. vat. Enemies many and mighty ch.8.z8. Enemies all,by nature, Enemies to be beloved and blefled, c.1 2.v. r 4. how profitable, Envy what, and why to ,be tlmnned,ch.i,v.a9. Epiftlewhar_itlignifi es, ch. i. V. T Epiftlç to the Romans,;gx- cellent for author, matter and method, why fec afore the raft, ch.r.v.t. Eternal! life what it is and wherein it conlifteth, ch.6. v.13. Ere:nail life how it followeth holinelle of . favour , not by tnerit,ch, 6.v.r6,z3. Evill not to be done,what good may come of ic,ch.3 v.8. Evillhw to be overcome with gooduelfc,ch.t2.v -last. Evill of crime, of affliÇtiotl,, Evil, innumerable and mpft grievous ones, follow Gpd4 children, ch "8 s' 3S.. Faith , the notation pf the word, Faith difinguilhed diva fly. Faith, the parts and degrees of it, From faith to faith, what, ch. 1.v.11. Faith the onely inftrument withinman,o f Justification, and Chrift his blood without man, sh.3.v.2.5. . Faith juftifieth not cffeaually, or materially : but relatively and inftrumentally,ch.3.4, 5.. Faith properly taken is not our juftification,ch.g,v.;3- Faiths objeft adsquatam is the whole word, inadequauun, the whole word of Evangelical' promise, ch,to.v.8. Faith little, great; the tokens of both,ch. t .17. Faith which wodres bychari- ty,doth ¡tali 3. Faith alone in the aft of juftìfying, but not alone in the heart and life of a jufifipd per - fon,ch.9.0.33. Faith a trait of Elcv ion,and proper to ele@ ones, ch.8.v,3o. Faith brecdeth aliurance ; doubting comerh not of the na- me but of the infirmity of faith, eh.4,v,a1. Faith refteth on Chriff dead and rifen for falvation,ch.4,v.25. ch.lo. v.9. Faith makes the general' pro - miles fpeciall,andSacraments to be effeftuall, ch.y,v.7,8. Faith known to him that bath it, ch.8.v.r. Faith once had never loft, eh,, Faith,without ir, it is fin what - buyer isdone,ch,t4.v.z3. Faith fpeciall and general', ch.r4 23. Faith knits to Chrift , and round of all comfort and wel- doing,ch,8v.r. Faith is the being of a Chriai- an, ch, t i.v.zo. Faith hash rigbteoufneffe and life annexed to ir,ch.s.0,17. Faith makes.perfons and afti ons aloft pleating to God, ch, a. v.z3, Faith certainly persuades all, but fully the f Tong Chriftians only,ch.4.v.sI. Fall away from Paving grace Saints Fatting in Lent not fo anci- eiat as Apoftles times, and no ApoRolical Tradition,eh.14.v. 5. Fear of God two -fold; lervice filiali. Fear of God as a Father how due,necelfary,and beneficial'. Fear child-likemay Rand with faith. Fear an enemy to fecurity. Fear wtere'ir is nor, there all wickedneffe will be. All this touching fear,in ch. rr, Fcar,how it belonged] to powers from all forts,ch.13 v.3,4, Fear of pain a companion of evil' doing,ch.13.v.4, Fear,how an effete of the law, ch ß,v.15. Feftivall dayes of the Jewes; tolerated after Chrift his death,, till the light of the Gospel might, difperie rhefe clouds and Ilia dowesof the Law, 6. 14. 0.0,1, 3,4:5, &c. Few be the true liraelitesbut precious like feed,c11.q.v.27,29. Fitt finites of the Spirit, what, ch.8. v. 23. why graces fo called. Free will to evill naturally, but none to good,untill grace let the will free, ch.g. v.16. Fruits, why good worlees fo called,ch.i5.v.28. Fruit in holinelfe,eh.6. Fruit none by fin, but flume and cleat h,ch.6.v.s 1,21. Fulneffe of the Gentiles, and of the Jewcs, what it meines,, and 25, Fulnellc of the blefling of the Gofpcll,,what,ch,15. V.Z9. G Garment, haw Chrift is like- ned to one, ch. r3. v. r 4, Gaffes foot to look our felves in,ch,7,v.g, to. God his properties of bounty, kind acne, patience,what they be, and whither they IEould lead,ch, a.v.4,,.. God his wifedome unfearch, able,unconcrouleable, ch, at. v. 33,34. God his truth infalliblc,prop of faith and hope,ch.3.v 4,7. God his power unrcliff ible. God his power, his childrens buckler and fafety,prop of faith, ch.s.v.s t,ch, s 1.23. God his power, how an ar- gument follows from it, ch. 1 t. v,s ;. God not authour of fin, as Fn, but as a recompence, ch. r i. v.:9. Godhardeneth as a judge, cl ë! God in delivering or giving u by how many afions, and how juft in them all,ch. r.v.26,28.. Gods providence ordereth all things, even the lean and the war R,c.t.v. r ;,c.t 5.& 22,24 Gods mercy, fountain of ele- ilion, and of all confequents thereof,ch.g,v.15,i8, Gods mercy arbitrary and free, ch.9.v.r 5. Gods mercy differs from his Ju ftice,ch. g,v, t 5. Gods merciesmany and ma- nifold,ch,ra,v.r. Gods mercies a firong mo- tive to obcdience,ch.rz.v.r. God ordainettof powers, and is obeyed or refilled in them, and how many wayep,ch.r3.v.z,3. God of peace, of patience, and conbolation, why lo called, ch. t5.v.5, God Cent his Son out of love to mankinde, and why, ch.8.v.3z. God the only avenger, and why,c h.r God with him no unrighte- oufneffe or cruelty, either in execution of decrees, or in the decrees themfel ves, cb.q.v, r4, t 9, ,36. God no retpeeterof perlons, ch.z.v.t t. flow perlons may be refpeftçd, Gods