T e lndex'o . Table. Gods will fupremc caufe of all ho, emufi.0 and wbtkes, ch; 9%0.51,15. Gs.ds will náC'toilae regiftredf how et is CO be tek erflood, ch. 9. viI.9; wò ¡i l'11ì4% Gods gloty 2áP iiraeaeítxlon f-1:) ,s nucy atti Btdee', <ihe et- molt end set allies= coúntcis, chi 0.V .Z2,23. Gilds wrath and Juflicc, ho w ftamefidt a thi no, ch. 3-5.-and ch, 5,v.6.and 8 Q spell of God, why fo called, oh:ì;v.e,and l 5.0.16. Gofpell what it Ii gol fes5poea- cletdby the Prophees,the atttho city, excellency, antiquity, and cfEctcy of it,ch,2.v.2. r.- Galpell wherein it differs froto the Law,fii.Í,v.17. Gofpell not to be alhatnedof, 'Gofpell how the power of God, ibid. Gofpell how called a forme or, niou ld,ch.3,0.1 7. G .efpcll what a b!effing to en- joy it,ch,3.w ì Golpell,good,haly,juft, ch.7. v; 12. Gofpell to be delighted in, ch. Gofpell'how to be c4eemed and receiyed}ch.i,v,2.,3 Gófpell pprcaehcd, both is ob- jcc'i and infirm-min offaith. Gof+; cl1 how the Jenes cite- toits coit,ch,tì,b,28. GdlpelL why àt°fiilt confirmed es"», miracles ,eh,15.\'.I, Gofpell a facrificing fwórd, ch,t Gofpell how elute of death bring a word oflife.' Gofpell worcFóf'fairh, and whv; ch. ro-v.8'`''' Ciofpell bun's ''Spirit oftA- dotptiön,ch $ v r'4. $óod, why the Law fo emit. led, ch,7.v.11. Good earneftlÿ rö be follow- ed ,ch.iz,v.9, Good 'purpsfcdwhen it can- .nórbe éfftfted,ch. 15s. 02. Good which we would, we cannot always do,çh:7.v.15,t6. Good is wrought our of'all things towards the cleft, ch- 8. v.1g ` Good doers may look for praife, and need fear no punilh-' ment,ch.r 3 v.3;4 '" Good by the wife God drawn out of cvill,ch,8.v,z8,ch;íi,v,I1. 'Good by fin converted to cvill, CIO t.v.9 7. Grace, whatit lignifies, and hou manifold, the 1pring of all good gifts, ch. 2.0.7. Grace how holineflb fo called, Grace how Apoff iefhip fo termed, ch. I,v.5.cn.l5,15. Grace cxrolled'by faith, fup- prcffed by the Law,ch.4,16. Grace in cafe ofjuitifecation cotiteary to workes;ch:r I:v.6, Grace more abounds Cohere fin hbounds, how re, be undcr- flood,ch, 5, 0.2o, What it is to be under Grace, ch.6. v.15. 'Glace of Chi-ìA liow prevailes above Adams fin,ch.v.16.17, &e: That Grace may abound we stray rot fin ch.6,va, ßlaceof God, how neceffàry to all belcevees,' ch. 16. v. 1o. and 24. Grief what it is,ch,io,v.a. We mat grieve and mourne with fetch as mourne, 'how, ch. rx 0.15. Grief in- Paid --great for the abjçftion of the Jcwes, city. v; z ;,and ch,io.r.z. H Heart what it fe nifies,ch. Io. 0.9,1'0. From the heart what it is, ch, 6.17. From the heart prayers "muff come if they be accepted, ch, Io, 1.5.. Heart hardnefle, what it is, how ''manifold, how procured, how to be cured e how dange- riott and fearfull when it is wholly and forever. Markes to know by the caufes of it, ch z. v. Plafte, an effeft and caufe of (l',yme,ch.9.v.1 aft, Head of theChurch,not Peter or Pope, but C.hrift,ch.,z.v.4. Hearing, how faith by it, ch, Heavens, how under vanity, how to be glorified. New hea- vens,what,ch.8 v.2l, lo. Heathen, their calling to Chrift prophefrei of, ch.,5v5, Io, II. Heathens, how a wilde Olive, ch.II.v.17, Of their offing in, and how partakers of fatncfle of the Olive. Heathens, how behólden to Gods bóunritulneft Aft. i .v. r, Iti,t9,z0,z 1, Holy; how Scriptures be fo and why the Law.is fo entinded, , ch.I.v.a,a. w ' "tCSíritttansifacrifice how holy, ch.sz.v,1. Hölìncíle wa fttárheaven,ch.6, 0,23. 'Holy, how th8'ßka"r1dhes fo, becaufe root is-fdiel fr ii;ró. 'How our chiild'k Abfl'yo, ibid. Hope what it ig howmani- fold, how chiTftti hope dif- fëfs from ch.5.0, 5,6. áüdch.8,v.z4,zf; 'Hhpb, Low it makes not a- íharned. Hope how Paved by ir. Hope the office ofít. Hope how rite fruit of experi- ence, and joyned ever with peri- ence,ëh.8.v Hope is ófgz4, ood things to come only,and`of eternall glory chief- ly.See eh.8.z4. Hope a remedy of afìliftions, chaa.v,rz. I Jefus,what it mcans,cb.r,z.. Ignorance of God, how great a fin, why to be avoided, ch. a. v,IS. Ignorance how' it excofes Ignorance polluteth zeal. Ignorance joyned with pride and rebellion against God, ch. 10.0.2r3, Ignorance how dangerous in a Guide and Teacher, ch, 2. v. 19,10. Image of Godnnlawfull,how Image and !doll 'all one, ch. r. 8,z3.í25 Juftice imputed inherent. Julkif cation,how differs from Sa i lification,Cartfcs and effefts of ir,ch.6,v. i d., Juftihed how we are by Chrifts refurreftion, ch.4.v.laff. Juftification the parts of it, how it is the ground of peace, ch.5.v.I. K King,how Chriii is Co, ch. I. 0:13. Kingdomeof Chtift, is fpiri- tuafl. Kingdome of God, what be the conditions and parts of itch. 14,.v. 17. . Kiffrng the Book in ate oath ch.9.v,i. Kiffes