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né Index or 7-able. Kiltes how tiled in the Primitive Church, ch.i6.v.t6. Knowledge of the word, how excellent and neceffary, ch. 13. v.50. Knowledge part of faith, ch. 14.0.14. Knowledge of fin fpeculative and experimental', both by the law,ch.7.v.7. Knowledge of the Law, what it worketh,ch.3.v.zo.and 4.v, 15. L Law, hoyv many lignifications, ch.3.19. Law how manifold, of Na- ture, of Mofes : Ceremoniall, Judicial', Moral' how abrogate, ch.z.v.14.and ch1o,4. Law how Ipirituall, and what to be learned by it,ch.7.v.14. Law how called juß,ch.7,v.is. Law impofrble to be kept, and why,ch.8.v.3. Law how ordained to life,and occalion of fin and death, ch. 7, 0.r0,II. - Law of members and of mind what they be,ch. Law how to be delighted in, andwhy, ch.7.v.zz. Law cannot juftifie us, and why,ch. 8.0.3. Law the rightcoufnelte of it, neitherealle, poffible, certaine, or comfortable,ch.so,v,4,5, &c. Law how the inheritance is not by it,ch.4.v.14. Law how contrary to promife. Law of faith, what, ch,3.v,z7. Labour, a Chriftian lite full of it, and why,ch.13.v,t 3. Love,fee Charity. Lull, how many kindes: good and evil', of fundry forts, ch, 7. 0.7,16. Loft before comfent, is fin in the regenerate,cb.6.v.xz,andeh. 7.0.7. Loft what a peftilent thing, ch.7.r.8,9. Luft innumerable, allrebels' againft the fpirir, ch. 6. v,xz, ch, 7.0.13. Lulls great pains taken to fubdue them,cb ó,1x, M. Magiftrates, their original, kindes, degrees, office, cnd, for which appointed, fee Authority. verftes,,th( abs%rsofanoatitt,ch. Malicioufnelfe,ch,t,v,29, 9.0 1. Man old and new : Why fin Offence whar,the kindes, why called man,ch.6.v.r6, none to begiven,ch.14, v,; t. Man his four-fold elate, eby (3pportunity of doing of du- Creation. 2by Corruption. 3 by ties,noe to be let flip,ch.i3.v. ne. Regeneration.4 by Glorification Ordinances of God to be fub- cb.5.v.to. mined unto. See Authority: Many what it fignifies,c,5.v.,9. Original' fin, what, why fo Marriages of God indiffoluble called : ro he repented of,ch,5.v. till death, ch.y.v, t, z, I z.ch.7, v.7. Marriage what it is, what Original'fin,no moving crude contrary to it, how ro be under- of reprobation, ch.9, t, taken. Once Chriff dyed, why that Marriage fecund lawfull, fufhcicnt,ch,6.v, t o. Marriage fpiritnall, how ex- P cclient,ch.7.t,a. Papif }s by Doftrine of merit Mafie popüh ahfurd, abomi- overthrowgrace,ch,tt.v.6. nable,ch,6.v.9,1o. Papiltsenemies to CI! rift, to Merit overthrowes grace, ch. their own juflificarion and f.1l- ti,6, vation, cl,. Io,v.4, Merit, none, by workes, and Peter whether at Rome.ch.'6. why,ch.z.v.6.ch.8.v,iS. v. 15,16. Meats defile when eaten with Pope will not be fubjeft to opinion ofuncleannclfe,orwith higherpowers,ch.v,t. offence to other : or when the Pope claimeth bath fwords, eating of them is againftcharity, ch.13.v.4, and htndrrcth edification, ch.14. Pope his intolerable pride,no 0.14,15, &c. head of the Church, ch, 1z. v.3. Meats forbidden by the Law, Againft God in the Doftrine of became pure unto the faithfull, merits,andagainst man inKing- ch,14,v.zo, killing Doftrine,ch. I i. Meats taken. in excefie or de- Paence,grounds of it.ch.t z. felt, do pollute the confcience, Perfwafon of fan h, i of Cha- ch.t4,v.17, rity, the one infallible, the. other Miraeles,their names, kindes, cottjeéturall,ch, 8. v.38. author, inftrument,ufes, no fore Paffton, why lin fo called, ch. note unto the truth or Church, 7.0.5,6. ch. t5. 019. Perfeftion, none in this life Miniftery, how excellent a but imaginary. fun&ion and necellary, ch. x5. Perfcft how the will of God v. 16. is, 6. 12. y.a. Myfteáy,uhto how many things Pleafing God,ch.1 appiyed in Scripture,ch,ti.v.z5. Poor, who, why to be relieved, ch.16.V 25 ch. t5.v.6. Myftery the vocation of the Powers.. to be diltinguilhed Gentiles. Al fo the revocation of from theperfons,and abufes and the Jews,and why, ch.t i.v,z5. manner o f acquificion, ch,1 z. w Mortal' our body, why, ch.6. 1,1,3. v. 10. Prayer to whom, why to God ishrtber,kindes, occaftons,the alone, mentall,vocall; a fruit of grievoufneffe of it,ch,t.v.09. faith, and note of fal vation, ch, N to. 0.1,13. Nature, by it we be finners, Prayer muff have fervency and and under wrath,ch.i.v.8 affiance,ch,8.v.14,t5. Nature, Law thereof, what Prayer how a note of Adop- attd how lay it Gentiles do the tion,ibid. things of the Law,ch.z.v,14. Prayer how contimtall,ch. 1z. Neighbout,who, and how to v.tz. beloved,ch,i3.v.9. Prayer the hinderances of ir, Night,w hat and how itispafi, how to overcome the m,c.t,v,9, ch,13,v,tz. Prayer au help under the O Croffe,ch.iz.v.en. Oath, what, the forme of it, Prayer comes of the Holy the kinde the end of Centro- Gho4,ch Prayer of great force and tile, ch.t á.v,30, 31. Prayer for Saints living, not for thedead. Prayer a bong weapon, ch. 1f. v,30 30. Preaching