The Index or Table. Preaching, what it is, how neceffary to beget faith, ch, no v.14.í5. Preaching the chief worke ofa Minilter, Promires bow fore the kinds of them,ch.4. Prophets foretold of Chrik, and taught the doetrine,of Grace, though not fo clearly as the Apoftles,ch.I.v.i . chIf.v.z6. R Reconciliation with God, 'ch. .v.i. Recompence, fo fin is called, ch.Y.v.z7. Religion,Chri ffian reafonable fervice,ch.t 2.v.I. Remedies three againft of li_ Rion ch.Ia.v.1 a. Reprobation what it is, why it is;. the markes and fruits of it, i.v.7. Revenge forbidden us, and why,ch I2.v.59. Reward how belongs to workes,ch.z.v.6. Riches' of bounty,& Rich mercy,ch.9.v.24. Rome new,how it differs from old,throughout this Epiftle to be feen. Rome threatned ro be cut off for high-mindedncife, and fo ful&Ilèd,6h.11. v.nI. S Sacrament what, how many, wltat:iecommon unto them all. the ufes and benefits which come by ihem,ch z v.25. ch.4. vrl. Sacraments, two wayes men do erre about them,ch.6.v, 3. Sactiñce properly taken and improperly,ch. nz,v.s, Sacrifice properly taken Le- gall,and Evangelicall,ch.r s.v.r, Sacrifice legall,the kindes and ends of it 't it 'determined in Chriff the proper Sacrifice of the the Go fpell,ch.IZ.v.s. Sacrifice proper or Chriffian, how Many, and the conditions of ir,ch.i 2.v. I. Scripture what it fignifies, ch. I. v.a. Scriptures how to know them to be Gods word,ihid. Scripture a perfeft judge of Controverfres, and Canon of faith and manners,, Scriptures contain the good, acceptable, and perfe& will of God, ch. tAV.z. Scriptures heft and fureft in- terpreters of thenifelves,ch. II. v. 8. Scriprtnes how to be read and heat d,ch.i.v.z ch.9.v.iz, Saints who, how by calling. What this word may put us in minde of, ch. I. v. 7, ch. 15. v. 25,:6. Samts in truth, and by pro - feffìon only.ibid. Sanaified nature of thrift, healeth our corrupt nature, cb.8. v.z,3,4. Sanâification the parts of ir, how reprefented and ratified in b ap t ifme, ch Severity of God againft fin, how great,ch,tI.v.2z. Serve fin what it 'is, and how known,ch,6.v 6.zo. ,Service.of fin how vile,ibid. Servant of fin what',ibid. Seeking God aright or a- miffe,ch,3.v i, Io.V.20. Sec,er,fce myftery. Shame double, t of face, z of confcience,ch.6, 21. Shame,what it is to the godly and ungodly, and what it workes in bcth,ibid, Shame,whymentioned rather then any other fruit of fin, ibid. Sin, the nature, kinds, fil- thineffe,and danger of it, ch. 6. v.23. Sin, to live in ir, what, ch. 6. v. I. Sin to abound, what, ch. 5. v.20, Sin, how firff husband, ch.7. Sin, how mortified and dead, not in a moment, ch.7.v. 4,5, 6, Sins,our caufe of Chrifbs death and what it Mould admonilh I us of,ch.4.v.laft,ch.5.8, Sins none venial] in their own nature,ch.6 v,23.. Sins how veniall,ibid. Supper of the Lord, how to prepare to ir,eh.z.v,z5, Tributution, fee AflPftion. Truth in God,fee Faith Truth of God,is for our com- fort and imitation ch. 3. v.3,455, 6, 7. Truth of God not impeached by mens unbelief,ibid. Truth of God,how renowned by out lives, ibid. V y Vanity how creatures fubjeâ to iyand why,ch.8v.20. Unbelcef,a Mother and main fin, reafonsagainíf it, and why we ought to beleeve God, ch.i r. v,zo, Will of God, ch.!z.v,z, Word of God, fee Scripture. Workes good which be, and why to be done. What resulted to a good worke ;chi 2, v.6, ch.i4, v.5,6. Workes neither juf 'fie nor merit,and why,fee Law. Workes to what ends they are to be done, feting they juffifie not,ch.2.v,6. Z Zeal what,errouious and wife, ch. ro.v.z. Zeal without knowledge,ibid. Zeal joyned with knowledge, and of what things, ibid Zeal of the Jews faulty fundry wayes,ibid. Zeal of Papifts blinde and furious, ibid. Zeal rare in Proteftants, ibid. Zealous why we ought to be, and why we mould take heed of blind zeal, ibid. Alfo ch. 12.V.I I. FI N I S.