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Ver. 7. the Epifile to the Romanes. fenfe.But others read thus: To them which by patience feeke eternall life, God [ will render] the glory of good workes,honour,and immortality. The caufe of this difference, is twofold: Firft,becaufefome doe joyne the word [render] which is fitpplyed, unto glory, &c. Others,unto eternall life. Seconuly, fotnedoe couple [Good worker] with pa- tience and continuance : others pull it thence, and put it after glory ; whereas they are fevered one from the other, in verfe r o.and fo ought to be here. How - foever,for fubftance of matter, it much mattereth not what reading wee choofe, becaafe the drift and intent of them all, 'isone:to teach us who they be to whom the reward of everla(ting life (hall be rendred; namely, to fuch as by patience continue in goodnes : yet Idoe follow the firft reading, as carrying a plain feule, agreeable to the fi:ope of Paul, though with forte tranfpofition of the words ; and having divers good inter- preters, as guides unto me of this my choice. The words doe contain two markes, of fuch as (hall inherit eternall glory and honour. One is,that they pa- tiently perfevere in doing good : the fe- cond as, that they feeke eternall life; this is the butt and end of their delires, not worldly things, as riches, honour, pleafure; but that life which lafleth for ever and cver,even fo long as God him - felfe (who is this life) doth laft and en- dure. Of thefe two markes let us deale with the latter,though it be not firli na- med in the Text. T [ M. What doe yet mean by eternal! life, and what it it to feeke it? S a L. By life, is meant the happi- neffe of the Saints in heaven, and it is called eternall,becaufethere (hall be no end of it : alfo to feeke it, is to feefe a want ofit,andwith great care to defire it, and labour to obtain it. Seeke it, for place ; in the affembly of the Saints: fortune, while it may be found : for manner, heartily and earneftly. T I m. What Leon may bee gathered from hence? S L L. That this is the marke of a godly man,to defire andltudy above all 63 things,how to be Caved in the day of judgement. This indeed is the defire of the wicked : every one bath a defire to be faved, but in divers things 'their delires doe differ from the defires of the godly. Firft,the defire of the godly is confiant, fo is not the defire of the wicked, who defire it by fits. Secondly, the godly de- fires falvation, that God may be glori- fied in his mercies, which comes of grace: the wicked feeke their owne wel- fare, becaufe they would be happy, which comes of nature. Thirdly, the wicked fo defire falvation,that they doe not minde the way thither, which is wel- doing,or a jutt and godly life : the godly in his detires,is led as well to the way and meanes, as to the ends & fcope. Ti m. Then there is a necety to dee good evorrei,or to dive well ,feeing this is the way which conduffeth to happine e ? S i t. True,there is fo; becaufe God . commandeth them,and appointed them as the courfe wherein his children mutt runne towards heaven: but thefe good workes cannot be done without many difijculties and perils; and therefore,we have need of patience & perfeverance, which is the fecond marke of him that (hall be Heire of heaven. T am. What collie Patience? St L. Is it the grace of God,whereby wee are ftrengthened to endure troubles for wel.doing, into the end. T t M. li it requifite that they that feere eternall life,continoee to the end in wet-do- ing? Si L. It is fo and for many jufl rea- Eons :asfrft,that God is constant in his love towards us, therefore our love and ferviceto him ought to be confiant. Se-, cond,is Chrifts example, who kept on his courfe in wel- doing, through many afhi&ions, Heb. 12.2. Thirdly, eternall life is promifed onely to fuch as conti- nue to the end, Mat. i o. 22. Fourthly, eternall death is threatned unto fuch as faint and give over, before they have runne to the end. Fiftly, the wicked are confiant in il- doing. Sixtly, many god- ly perlons have abid with patience in wel-doing,whofe fleps we muff tread in, Heb.,6.i a. To thefe may beadded Gods G 2 C0111-