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Ver. i 6. the Epi file to the Romanes. T t M. What be the effete and tbors of the Confcience? S a L. To excufe us when wee have done well, whereupon arifeth joy :and to accule us when we have done ill, whereupon arifeth griefe and feare: it accufeth us in all things done againíl Confcience, becaufe it ltriketh us with terror and forrow, but in hone(t a &ions which agree with nature,it doth excufe us. T I M. What may be the meaning of that hefaith,eur thoughts acculing or excufing one another? S 1 L. It is not fo to be underítood, as though the thoughts themfelves were at civili warre, firiving together one a- gainít another, about one and the fame taft or Aced : tome thoughts acculing it, 8e on the contrary force other thoughts excufing it; nor yet it is to be applyed unto divers perlons, as that force thoughts fhould accule unbeleevers and wicked men which are to bee puniíhed ; and other thoughts fhould excufe be- leevers and godly men who are to be faved:but it mutt be meant bfthe change and turnes, which our thoughts have in accuíïng or excufing our owne deeds and words,as they (hall fall out to bee well or ill fpoken or done, fo our thoughts doe either acquit them, or condemne them. And this tellirnony which the Confcience of men beareth, by acculing or excufing according as the things committed are good or evil, it pleafeth God to keepe and maintaine it in every mans heart for two fpeciall pur- pofes : not onely that there might be a confiant difference, betweene men and beafts,but allo for to be an aide & helpe unto men, the better to fearch out our Creator, to conferve humane fociety,to leave the unrighteous without all Apo - logie and excufe in the day of the Lords judgement; and namely, to take away all pretence from Pagans, and fuels as be without the Church, to whom their ve- ry confcience fhall be fuf lcient to beare witneff-e againfi then unto their con- demnation, though they never had ei- ther Law Gofpell. TI M. What are toarne from all this? S I L. That it behooveth us to hear- ken to the dire lion of the confcience. Secondly, to labour to have our confci- ence well reftified. Thirdly, to be much occupied in purging and denting the confcience, that it may doe his Office well and kindly ; this mull be by often and narrow fearch, and unfeigned con - feilion and forfaking ofknown finnes, DIALOGuEXI. Vert 16. At that day when God Pall judge the ferrets of mens hearts, according to my Gofpell. TIMO TIIEus. V\ 'Hat it the drift of this Text? `/ / S t L. To cite all men,both Jewes and Gentiles, before Gods tribu- nal feate, as guilty of his judgement: it concludeth his craft touching the righteous judgment of God, in taking revenge upon the wicked. Ti M. What be the parts of this Text? S I L. Foure : Firft, that there is a day appointed for thejudging of all hefh. Secondly, the Judge, who is both So- veraigne (God) and Deputy (Chrift Je- fus.) Thirdly, the things that (halt be judged,(thefecrets of men.) Laftly,that this do&trine is a part and principali of theGofpell,and aseertaine and fure,as that Paul to ught it in the do &rin a which he delivered in his Sermons & Epifiles. Ti M. What may we (carne concerning the day ofjudgement ? S I L. Two things: Firít,that it is fo certaine that it will come, that nothing is or can be more certaine ; the reafons hereof are thefe : Fiat, Gods decree which bath appointed it by an un- changeable will. Secondly, the truth of Scripture, revealing it in moil plaine and innumerable places. Thirdly, the evidence of reafon dernonftrating it, as above; and the feare of our Confcience for fecret tunes convincing us of it. Ti M. What nfe hereof? S I L. Foure -fold : firít, the fumm0- ning of the wicked to repentance, Alts ¡7.3o. Secondly,the confirming fuch in their dudes as have repented, 2. Cor. 5. it.