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Ver.23,4 the Epi f le to the Romanes. not together with the Gentiles,be con- demned : he now addeth a new excufe from the prerogative of Circumcifìon, which was no idle and empty Sacra - ment,but an effeCtuall Peal of that league of grace,whichGod had thicken with his people : and this Paul denieth not, but granteth the excellency and efficacy ofthisfacred figne, efpecially on Gods part who gave it as a feal of his free pro - mife;but on the peopes behalfe which did not joyne obedience with circumci- liion,it was ofno more profit to them, then if their fore -skin had never been cut off. Vpon this occafion Paul doth put a difference between that circttnci- fionwhich is availeable and healthful!, and that which is not wholefome: alto . between a true Jew and one which is counterfeit , in thew and name onely ; and this is the fumure of the verts whichfollow to the end of the fecond Chapter. 1 T t nt. What is the drift of this Text ? S r L. To reprove the great fully of the Jerwet,whobeing preakers of the law, yet held themfelves righteous and acceptable to God, becaufe they were eircumcifed: unto whom the Apoflle re- plieth, that there was no power in cir- cumcifion to make wicked mea accep- ted of God ; and therefore a Jew being a tranfgreffor of the law was no better then a Gentile thae lacked circumcifion, if hewere a doer of the law of nature. Note, that he,ffcakes ofthe circumcifion as it was in the time of the lau+, not as it is now, abrogate by the Gofpell, Ga1.5.2. T t M. What vat cireumcif on? Si L It was a Sacrament of the old Tefiansent,which God gave unto Abra- ham, for him and his feed. The outward figne of this Sacrament, was thecutting off the fore-skin of the flefh upon the eight day. The thing fignified hereby, was the grace of the Covenant,ftanding in reconciliation with God, and new- ntffe of life. It codified of a reciprocal) protnife God promifed pardon and grace,the people pçomifedfaith and o- bedience,Gen.57. r7 Tr M. `Upon what thingt,or in what re- 9' 1petïs war the Sacrament profitable to pub as did keepe the Law. by performing morall she- dime unto God ? S t L. In thefe refpeas : Firlt, it did ferve to difiinguifh Gods people from all other people. Secondly, it did Per ve as a Seale to allure them of the forgive - nefl'è of their lnnes, and of Gods fa- vour. Thirdly, it did admonifh them of their duty, that mutt abandon all 'fin full and wicked deliires and affeaions, and remain holy to God. Lattly,,it was an inftrument of the holy Gho[t, to the mortification of finne. T,M . What was further taught f our thin, that he faith ; Circumcifton war pr:fetab e ? S t L. Namel , to grant -and yceld unto any, with sthorn we have to do in caufed of religion, what is in reatòn and truth to be yeelded. Tt M. tYbat was learned froth ibis, that he faith, Circumcifton prrfitoth him that ir a doer ofthe Law? S t L. That the fruit and profit of Sacraments dependtth upon the faith and godlineffe of the receivers, and not upon the :talon done and the word fpo- ken ; for Sacraments they doe not make a wicked man righteous, but he that is alreadyrighteous, they confirm him in his righteoufneffe, and encreafe graces :given: but as for wicked men, neither ¡Sacraments, nor any ether external! thing can profit them, whilft they live wickedly without faith and repentance. Ti M. 7ben Sacraments have not grace inelefed in tbem,ar the vertue of haling le enelofed in the medicine, nor do not regene- rate1juflif- ,andfave men,by the very work done ? S t L. No verily : but all their venue is from God, who at his good pleafure, maketh them profitable to his Children ca. hich feare hitn,and receive them duly, walking before God,and being upright. Ts M. But fithence none are fa upright, hut that ffill they be tranlgrefors,aed there- fore no keepers of the Law (tabi; b im lieth an exabl performance of the whole Law) therefore the Sacramenti cannot bring profit unto any. And then in valve we're they or- dained ? S t L.This Text which faith (Ch- cum-