12 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED 40i1A510.a 5tc5,14?atc5t? 5k53,u(.5,,t1-oitgo C H A P T E R III. TheAngel appears to Zacharias in the Temple, andforetells the Birth of John the Bap- t, the Forerunner of ourgreat Redeemer. The Salutation of the Virgin Mary. Her Vzfit to her Relation Elizabeth, the Wife of Zacharias. The Birth and Education of John the Baptof, &c. 9-1HE happy time being near at hand, j fixed by the Triune God, for our great Redeemer to make his appearance in the world, called in Scripture; the fulnefs of time, it pleafed the Eternal King of heaven and earth to give notice to Mankind, that this exalted perron would foon be manifeffed, and the benefits arifing from his miffion obtained. God had de- clared by his prophets, that before his Son appeared in the world, A mFengerfhould go before his face, toprepare his way. This meffengerwas further defcribed, under the chara&er of the prophet Elijah; and in another place he was called, The voice of one crying in the wildernefs, prepareye the way of the Lord, and make firelight, in-the defart, a high-way for our God. In the accomplifhment of thofe prophecies, it was neceffary that John the Baptift, the fore- runner of our great Redeemer, fhould -firft be bom; and, accordingly, the angel Ga- briel was fent from heaven to give notice of the birth of this great herald of the Lord of life. Theperfons defined to be parents to this extraordinary man, were Zacharias, a pious prieft, and his wife Eli- zabeth ; who were both of the family of Aaron, and blamelefs in the obfervance of the law. But, though they had lived from their youth in the married !late, they were notbleffedwith any offspring,and were both fo far advanced in years, that, according to the courfe of nature, no iffue could be expe&fed from them. The priefli that of- ficiated in the temple of Solomon, were divided into twent-four courfes: every eourfe began it's fervice on the Sabbath- day, and continued all the week. Only four of there courfes returned from the Babylonifh captivity ; the ref were either extinFt, or tarried behind. But, that the number of twenty-four might fill fubfift, each courfe 'divided itfelf into fix; the new ones taking upon themfelves the names of thofe who were wanting. Zacharias was of the courfe ofAbia, one of the new ones in this fub-divifion, and the eighth in the order of the twenty-four. It was the lot of this aged prieff to burn incenfe in the holy place ; and while the fmoke of the incenfe afcended, the people, according to cuflom, were praying in the outward court. As the good prieD flood by the al- tar of incenfe, the angel appeared in view, all bright and glorious, as a native of the fky. Zacharias, at the fight of the hea- venly meffenger, was filled with terror and difmay ; but the angel, with condefcending goodnefs, thus addreffed him : Fear not Zacharias, for thyprayer is heard, and thy wife Elizabeth fall bear thee afon, and thou f alt call his name John. And thou fait havejoy and gladeef, and many f all rejoice at his birth : for Ile f all be great in the fight of the Lord, andflzall neither drink wine norflrong drink; and he fall be filled with the Holy Ghojl, evenfrom his mother's womb. And many of the chil- dren of fael /hall he turn unto the Lord their God. And he fall go before him in the fpirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the difobedient to the wifdom of the All, to make ready a people preparedfor the Lord. As Zacharias was one of the pious Jews who