and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, &c. 173 did not found her hopes on his power, but on the power of God, through his inter- ceffion. She doutblefs knew, that the great Redeemer of mankind had raifed the daughter of Jairus, and the widow's fon of Nain, from the dead ; but feems to have confidered her brother's refurre&lion as much more difficult, becaufe he had been longer dead. Butour bleffed Saviour, who was willing to encourage this imperfe&l faithof Martha, anfwered, Thy brotherlhall rfe again. As thefe words were delivered in an indefinite fenfe, with regard to time, Martha under- flood,them only as an argument of con folation drawn from the general refurrec- tion, and accordingly anfwered, I know that helhall rife again at the refurreflion at the lall day. She was firmly perfuaded of that important article of the Chriílian faith, the refurredion of the dead; at which important hour the believed her brother would rife from the chambers of the dull. And here fhe feems to have terminated all her hopes, not thinking that the Son of God would now call her brother from the fleep of death. Jesus, therefore, to inflru&l her in this great truth, replied, I am the refurrellion, and the life. I am the author ofthe refurre&lion,the fountain and giver of that 'life they [hall then receive; and therefore can, with the -:fame eafe, raife the dead now as at the laft day: He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet lhall he live : and whofoever liveth and believeth in me, (hall never die. Believejt thou this? To which Martha anfwered, Yea, Lord; Ibelieve that thouart the Chrift, the Son of God, which fhould come into the world. I believe that thou art the true Meffiah, fo long promifed by the prophets, and therefore believe thou art capable of performing, by thy power, every thing thou art pleafed to undertake. She now Teemed to entertain fome con fufed expe&ations of her brother's imme- diate refurreaion; and leaving Jesus in the field, ran and called her filler, accord- ing to his order, being willing that both 'No. 55. Mary and her companion's [hould be wit- neffes of this great miracle. Mary, accordingly, no fooner heard that Jesus was come, than The immediately left her Jewifh comforters, who only in- creafed the weight of her grief, and flew to her Saviour : and the Jews, who fuf- pe&led fhe was going to weep over the grave of her brother, followed her to that great prophet, who was going to remove all her forrows. Thus the Jews who came from Jerufalem to comfort the two mourn- ful fillers, were brought to the grave of Lazarus, and made witnelles of his re= furre&tion. Mary having approached the -great Re- deemer of mankind, fell proflrate at his feet, and in a flood of tears poured out her complaint, Lord, if thou hadlt been here, my brother had not died. No wonder the compa[honate Jesus was moved at fo affeaing a fcene : on this fide flood Mar- tha pouring forth a flood of tears, at his feet lay the affectionate Mary, weepingand lamenting her dear departed brother ; while the Jews, who came to comfort the aífli&led fillers, unable to confine their grief, joined the folemn mourning, and mixed their friendly tears in witnefs of their love for the departed Lazarus, and in teftimony to the juflice of the fillers grief, for the lofs of fo amiable, fo deterving a brother. JESUS could not behold the affli&tion of the two fitters and their friends, without having a [hare in it himfelf; his heart was melted at the mournfulfcene, hegroaned in ftirit, and was troubled. However, to keep them no longer in fufpenfe, he aflced them, where they had buried Lazarus; not that he was ignorant where the body of the deceafed was laid : he who knew that he was dead, when fo far diflant from him, and could raife him up by a fingle word, mull know where his remains were depofited: to which they anfwered, Lord, come and fee. The Son ofGod, now to prove that he was not only God, but a moll compaflionate man, and to [hew us, that the tender aflè&lions of a U u human