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and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, &c. 18a all probability, this was the reafon why the difciples were alonilhed at the alacrity of our Lord during this journey, while they themfelves followed him trembling. JESUS, therefore, thought proper to repeat the prophecies concerning -his fufferings, in order to Phew his difciples that they were entirely voluntary ; adding, that though the Jews fhould put him to' death, yet, in- ftead ofweakening, it fhould increafe their faith, efpecially as he would rife again the third day from the dead : Behold, we go up to jerufalem; and all things that are written by the prophets, concerning the Son of man, (hall be accompled for he flail be delivered to the Gentiles, and ffzall be mocked, andjpitefully entreated, and(pitted an r and they !hall fcourge him, and pzit hint to death: and the third day he (hall rife again, Luke xviii. 31, 32, 33. It mufti. have given the greateft encou- ragement to our Lord's difciples, had they underftood and applied this predifion, which was built upon the ancient prophe- cies, in a proper manner; but they were fo ignorant in the Scriptures, that they had no idea of what he meant: And they un- derflood none of thefe things: and this lay- ing was hid from them, neither knew they the things which were (pokers. But the fons of Zebedee were fo igno- rant, that they thought their Mailer, by his telling them he would rife again from the dead, meant that he would then erect his empire ; and, accordingly, begged that he would confer on them the chief polls in his kingdom, which they expreffed, by de- firing to be feated, the one on his right- hand, and the other on his left, in allufion to his placing the twelve apoftles upon twelve thrones, judging the tribes of Ifrael. Ever fince our Saviour's transfiguration, the fons of Zebedee had conceived very high notions of his kingdom, and poffibly of their own merit alfo, becaufe they had lacen admitted to behold that miracle: but Thus told them, they were ignorant of the nature of the honour they requefled; and fince they defired to fhare withhim in his glory, afked them, if they were willing to !hare with him alfo in his fufferings: Ye know not what ye aft. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I!hall drink of and to be baptized with the baptifm that I am baptized with? Matt. xx. 22. The twa difciples, ravifhed with the profpea ofthe dignity they were afpiring after, replied without hefitation, that they were both able and willing to fhare any hardfhip their Matter might meet with in the wa" to his kingdom. To which he anfwered, that they fhould certainly (hare with him his troubles and afflifions ; but that they had afked a favour which was not his to give : Ye flail drink, indeed, of my cup, and be baptized with the baptifm that I am baptized with; but to fit on my right-hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it fhall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father. The indignation of the relt of the dif ciples being raifed by this ambitious re quell of the two brothers, they thinking themfelves equally deferving the principal polls in the Meffiah's kingdom, were highly offended at the arrogance of the fons of Zebedee. Jesus, therefore, in order to refloreharmony amonglt his difciples, told them, that his kingdom was very different from thofe of the prefent world ; and that the greatnefs of his difciples did not, like that of fecular princes, confifl in reigning over others in an abfolute and defpotic manner: Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercife dominion over them, and they that are great, exercife authority upon them. But it flail not be fo among you : butiohofoever will be great among you, let him be your minder; and whofoever will be chief among you, let him be your fer- vent; even as the Son of man came not to be adminfered unto, but to miner, and to give his life a ranfonzfor many. 1 C H A P T E R