and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APQSTLEs, f3c. i8g it any reproach to CHRIST to ride into Jerufalem on the foal of an afs, when David, the greateft of his anceflors, and Solomon thewifeft, as long as he was wife, rode in the fame manner? Can the Jews objeft to this circumftance, and yet talk of the glories of David, and the magni- ficence of Solomon, who in the midit of all that glory and magnificence did the very fame thing ? Or can they !tumble at this charafter of the Meffiah, without for- gettingby what princes their anceftors were Paved, and by what undone? But to return. The prodigious multi- tude that now accompanied JEsus filled the Pharifees and great men with malice and envy, becaufe every method they had taken to hinder the people from follow- ing JEsus, had proved ineffeftual: The Pharifees thereforefaid among themfelves, Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing? Be- hold the world is gone after, him, John xii. 19. N As our bleffed Redeemer drew near the city of Jerufalem, furrounded by the rejoicing multitude, notwithftanding the many affronts he had there received, he beheld the city ; and with a divine gene- rofity and benevolence, which nothing can equal, wept over it ; and, in the moft pathetic manner, lamented the calamities which he forefaw were coming upon it, becaufe it's inhabitants were ignorant of the time of their vifitation : If, faid he, thou hadit known; even thou, at legit in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace./ but now they are hid front thine eyes. For the days (hall come upon thee, that thine enemies Jhall call a trench . about thee, and compafs thee round, and keep thee in on everyfide, and fhall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they fhall not leave in thee one(tone upon another; becaufe thou knewefi not the time of thy vifitation,. Luke xix. 42, 43, 44. Ye wandering mortals, behold here an example and generofity infinitely fuperior to any furnifhed by the heathen world ; an example highly worthy for them to imitate and admire ! When our Lord entered Jerufalem, fur- rounded by the multitude, the whole city was moved on account of the prodigious concourfe of people that accompanied him, and by their continual acclamations. JESUS rode immediately to the temple; but it beingevening, he foon left the city, to the great difcouragement of the people, who expelled he was immediately to have taken into his hands the reins of govern- ment : And Jefus entered into ,7erufalem, and into the temple : and when he had looked round about upon all things, and now the even-tide was come, he went out untoBethany with the twelve, Mark xi. t t. #g),411* No. 16. Z z C H A P T E R ,