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212 The NEW hnd COMPLETE If we take the pains to compare the prediction of our Saviour with the hiftory Jofephus wrote of the war, we cannot fail of beingdruckwith the wifdom ofCxR and acknowledging that his predictionwas truly divine. For as the Jewilh nation was at this time in the moil: flourifhing Hate, the event here foretold was altoge- ther improbable. Betides, the circum- fiances ofthe deltruction are very numerous and furprifingly particular; and the whole delivered without any ambiguity. It is therefore a prophecy of fuch a kind as could never have been uttered by any impoftor, and confequently the perfon who delivered it, was truly divine, and acquainted with the fecret councils of heaven. But it has been demanded with fome affur:?nce, by the enemies to revelation, why fhoutld CHRISr order his difciples not to flee froim Jerufalem, till they faw it encompaffed w,*h the Roman army, when it would then be impoffible for them to make their efcape? But perlons, before they propofe fuch queftiotns, would do well to read attentively the hiflory jofephus has given us of thefe terrible calamities;' be- caufe they would there find a folutron of that difficulty. That hiflorian tells ;s, " That Ceflius Gallus, furrounded the city ", with his army, and at a time when he " could eafily have taken the city, fud- " denly withdrew his forces, without any apparent reafon." He adds, " that as foon as the fiege was railed, many emi- " nent Jews fled from it, as from a finking " (hip." In all probability many of thefe were Chriftians, who being warned by this prophecy of their great Mafler, faved themfelves by flight, as he had directed. Thus we fee what frivolous objeCions are made by the free-thinkers of our age, againfl the truth of the facred writings, and how eafily they are anfwered. And I cannot help obferving, that this conduct of the Roman general, fo contrary to all the rules of prudence, muff have been brought to pafs by the providence ofGod, 2 LIFE J our BLESSED LORD who interpofed for the deliverance of the difciples in this manner. Having given this defcription of the deflruclion of Jerufalem, our bleffed Sa- viour enumerated a great variety of par- ticulars that were to precede or accompany it, affuring his difciples, that it would be very unexpected, and thence urged the necefl-ity of a watchful vigilance, led they fhould be furprifed, and have a (hare in thofe terrible calamities : But as the days of Noe were, foJhall al/o the coming of the Son of man be, Matt. xxiv. 37.' Watch ye therefore; for ye know not when the mailer of the houle cometh; at even, or at midnight, or at the cock- crowing, or in the morning; left coming fuddenly he findyou flee/sing, Mark xiii. 35, 36. As men were to undergo, at the deflruc- don ofJerufalem, nearly the fame miferies, and as the paffions which it's approach would raife in their minds were fimilar to thofe which will happen at the dedruCion of the world and the general judgment ; it was natural for our bleffed Saviour, on this occafion, to put his difciples in mind of that judgment, and to exhort them to the faithful difcharge of their duty, from the confederation of the fuddennefs of his coming to call every individual to account after death: Therefore beye alto ready; for injiich an hour, asye think not, the Son of man cometh. Who then isafaithful andwife fervant, -whom his Lord bath made ruler over his hoy/hold, to give them meat in due feafon? Bled is that fervant, whom his Lord, whenhe cometh, flailfind fo doing. VerilyIfay untoyou, that hefhall make him ruler over allhis goods. As if hehad Paid, you who are the miniflers of religion, ought to be particularly careful to difcharge the important truft committed to your care : you are the flewards to whole care the whole houfhold of the church is com- mitted ; and you would do well to remem- ber, that your example will have a great effect upon the minds of thofe employed under you. It is your duty to be well ac- quaintedwith the dores of the evangelical traths