214 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD gueffs at the marriage-feafls, and [hared in the feftivities. Our bleffed Saviour compares the can- didates for the kingdomof heaven, to ten fuch virgins ; he mentions ten, becaufe this was the general number appointed to wait on the bridegroom ; and to thefe, all Chriftian profeffors may be likened, who, taking the lamp of Chriflian profeffion, go forth to meet the bridegroom; that is, pre- pare themfelves as candidates for the king- dom of heaven, and defire to be admitted into the happy manfions of immortality, with CHRIST, the cceleftial Bridegroom. The cafe of Chriftians is reprefented to us by this of the virgins, half of whom only were wife, the other half being foolifh. And we muff remember, that there always was, and always will be, a mixture of good and bad in the church, till the great day of feparation arrives. The weaknefs of the foolifh is reprefented by their taking no oil in their veffels with their lamps ; that is, the foolifh Chriftians content them- felves with the bare lamp of a profeffion, and never think of furnifhing it with the oil of divine grace, the fruit of which is a life of holinefs. Whereas the wife, well knowing that a lamp, without the fupply of oil, would be fpeedily extinguifhed ; that faith, without love and holinefs, will be of no confequence, take care to fupply themfelves with a fufficient quantity of the divine grace, and to difplay in their lives, the works of love and charity. While all, thofe virgins, though differently fupplied, waited the coming ofthe bridegroom, they all (lumbered and flept; that is, all Chrif- tians, both good and bad, the fincere and the hypocrite, all lie down together in the sleep ofdeath; and, while the bridegroom delayeth his coming, !lumber in the cham- bers of the dull. There is a tradition among the Jews, that CHRIST'S coming to judgment will be at midnight, which agrees with that partofthe parable, at midnight there was a cry made, Go ye out to meet him. But however this be, whether he will come at midnight, or in the morning, it will be awfully fudden and alarming; the great cry will be heard to the ends of the earth; the trumpet [hall found, and the mighty archangel's voice pierce even to the bowels of the. earth, and the depths of the ocean : Behold the bride- groom cornea, go ye out to meet him. All that are in the graves mull then awake, and come forth ; and all will then begin to think how they may prepare themfelves to find admittance to the marriage- fupper of the Lamb : Then all thofe virgins aro/e, and trimmed their lamps. But the foolifh foon perceived their folly ; their lamps were gone out, totally extinguifhed, and they had no oil to fupport the flame : in like manner, the hypocrite's hope [hall perifh. But the wife were in a much hap- pier condition ; they had oil in their veffels fufficient for themfelves, but none to fpare for, when the foolifh virgins would have procured fome from them, they denied their requeft, fearing there would not be enough for both. We have here a reprefentationof nomi- nal and fincere Chriftians ; the former having only the bare lamp ofa profeffion, have negle &ed to live agreeably to the precepts and examples of their Mailer, and have not been folicitous to gain the oil of divine grace, by a confiant ufe of the means aflìgned ; thofe who have been contented with a mere negative righteoul- nefs, with fuch a juftice and homily as Heathens boafted of, to whole charge no heinous crimes can be laid, while, at the fame time, no good can be fpoken of, as an effe& of their faith ; and fuch will fare like the foolifh virgins : while the latter, whole wife condu& and zealous endea- vours to flock their lamps with divine oil, will, like the wife virgins, enter into the joy oftheir Lord. Thofe that were foolifh, going to pur- chafe oil, miffed the bridegroom, and be- hold the door was ,/hut. They at laft, however, reached the gate, and with great importunity cried, Lord, Lord, open unto us. But he anfwered, and faid, Verily, I