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216 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD unto him that /lath ten talents. For unto every one that hath (hall be given, and he ,/hall have abundance: but front hint that hath not, )(hall be taken away, even that which he bath. And ca, fl ye the unprofitable fervant into outer darknefs: there fhall be weeding and gnafhingof teeth. This was the parable of the talents, as delivered by our bleffed Saviour; a parable containing the meafures of our duty to God, and the motives that enforce it, all delivered in the plaineft and ftmplefl allu- liion: but it's views are fo extenfive and affeaing, that while itinftruéì.s the meaneft capacity, it engages reverence and atten- tion from the greateft, and firikes an im- preflion on the molt improved underftand- ing. We are to confider God asour Lord and Mailer, the author and giver of every good gift, and ourfelves as his fervants or Stewards, who, in various inftances and meafures, have received from his goodnefs fuch bleffings and abilities, as may fit us for the feveral Rations and officesof life to which his providence appoints us : but then we are to obferve, that thefe are committed to us as a truft or loan, for whole due ma- nagement we are accountable to the donor. If we faithfully acquit ourfelves of this probationary charge, we {hall receive far greater inffances of God's confidence and favour ; but if we are remifs and negli- gent, we muff expeQ to feel his refent- ment and difpleafure. A time will come, and how near it may be, none of us can tell, when our great Mafter will demand aparticular account of every talent he hath committed to our care. This time may, indeed, be at a dif- tance, for it is uncertain when the king of terrors will receive the awful warrant to terminate our exiftence here below; yet it will certainly come, and our eternal hap - pinefs or mifery depends upon it ; fo that we Should have it continually in our thoughts, and engrave it, as with the point of a diamond, on the tables of our hearts. Btit this is not all we are to learn from this inftru&ive parable ; the DivineAuthor has adapted every incident of the relation to convey fome fpiritual inflruElion. We hence learn, that Infinite Wifdom hash intrufted men with different talents, and adjufted them to the various purpofes of human life. Butthough the gifts of men are unequal, none can, with jufíice, com- plain, fence whatever is bellowed, be it more or lefs, is a favour entirely unme- rited. Each then fhould be thankful, and fatisfìed with his portion; and, iuftead of envying the more liberal endowments of others, apply himfelf to the improvement of his own. And it fhould be attentively obferved, that the difficulty of the talk is in proportion to the number of talents com- mitted to each. He who had received five, was to gain other five; and he who had received two, was to account for other two. Surely then, we have no reafon to complain, if our Matterhas laid on us a lighter burden, a more eafy and lefs fervice than what he has oh others ; efpecially as our intereft, in the favour of the Almighty, does not depend on the number of our talents, but on our diligence and applica- tion in the management of them: fo that the moral defign of this parable, is to en- gage our utmoft attention, to improve fuch talents as our heavenly Father has thought proper to bellow upon us. By thefe talents are principally meant the communications and graces of the Holy Spirit, which God bellows in different meafures, dividing to every man feverally as he will. And fub- ordinate to thefe, are all the means, op- portunities, and abilities to exercife or im- prove thefe graces; all the advantages of Ration, fortune, education, and whatever may enable us to do good ; forwe, having received all we enjoy from God, areffriflly obliged to promote the wife ends for which he bellows his favours. And here let us take a Ihort and imperfect view of what God has done for us : he has given us reafon and underftanding, to difcern good from evil, and to inquire into the caufes, relations, and confequences of things, to colleét from them proper rulesof judgment and