and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, Efe. 221 exhibits a fcene enough to terrify the moll hardened firmer. The awful judge himfelf has told us, that after he has paffed the happy fentence on the righteous, he will pronounce the following fentence of con- demnation upon the wicked: Departfrom me, ye turfed, into everlaflingfire, prepa- redfor the devil and his angels : for I was anhungered, and yegaveme no meat : Iwas thirfly, and ye gave meno drink : I was a //ranger and ye took menot in : naked, and ye clothed me not : lick, and in prifon; and ye vfted sise not. Thenjhall they alfo an- fwer hint, faying, Lord, whenlaw we thee an hungered; or- athirf, or a-franger, or naked, or fick, or in prifon, and did not miner unto thee? Then fhall he anfwer then, laying, Verily I fay unto you, inaf- ntuch as ye did it not to one of the leaf of theefe, ye did it not to Matt. xxv. 41 46. Our bleffed Saviour hastold us, that the fire of hell was prepared for the Devil and his angels, as well as for the wicked; and that the kingdom of heaven was prepared for the righteous. Perhapshe intended to teach us, that the original defign of Omnipotence was to render man happy, not miferable: a Rate of confummate felicity was formed for the human race, at the time they were created: but the fire of hell was prepared for the devil and his angels immediately after their fall. And as wicked men join with devils in their fin of rebellion againR the Almighty, they are doomed to (hare with them in their punifhment ; a punifh- ment of the heavieft kind, a punifhment of devils. Our Saviour having reprefented the fen - tences thatare to be palled on the righteous and the wicked, he clofed the parable in the following manner : And thefe 'tallgo away into everlafing punifhment: but the righteous into life eternal. An expreffion fhort indeed, but awful beyondexpre(fion ! And were it fully underftood, it muff furely make an impreffion on the moli hardened' (inner; as it indicates, that, when the fentence is paffed, the fcene is clofed for ever, and everlaffing punifhment, or life eternal, muff be the lotofevery individual of the human race. C H A P T E R XXXI. CHRIST again foretelleth his own Death : The Rulers confpire again' him: A Woman poureth precious Ointment upon his Head: Judas covenanteth with the Council to betray his Mafterfor thirty Pieces of Silver : Peter and John fent to prepare . the Pafover: CHRIST eateth it with them, and wafheth his Difeiples' Feet: He conforteth, them with the Prontife ofa heavenly Manfion : He profethhimfelf the. Way, the Truth and the Life: Heforetelleth the Treachery of Judas, and pointeth him out to John by a' Token. AFTER our bleffed Saviour had finned the before-mentioned parables, he added a rhort account of his own death, in order to fortify the difciples againR the greateft trial they had yet met with.; name- ly, the fufferings of their Mailer: And it' came to pa's, when Jfus had fined all No. 19. thefe fayings, he Paid unto his difciples, Ye know that after two days is the feaf of the paver, and the Son ofman is betrayed to be crucified. Then aonibled together thechief pries, and the fcribes, and the elders of the people, .unto thepalace of the high prig, who was called Caiaphas, and confulted that 34 they