226 lite NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD . but though. this had doubtlefs it's weight with the traitor ; yet it could not, I think, behis only motive, becaufe the rebuke was given in general to all the difciples, who had, perhaps, been equally forward with him in cenfuring the woman ; nor can we imagine, even ifhe had been rebuked alone, that fo mild a reproof could provoke any Perron, however wicked, to the horrid as of murdering his friend, much lefs Judas, whofe covetous difpofition muff have dif- pofed him to bear every thing from his Maher, from whom he expeéled the higheff preferment, when he openly declared him- felf the Meffiah, and took the reins of go- vernment into his own hands. If it fhould be anfwered, that his refentment was fo great as to hinder him from exercifing his reafon, I delire it may be remembered, that though he actually agreed with the chief priefls a few hours after the rebuke was given, yet he did not commit the heinous grime till two days after : befides, to im- pute his treachery to the fudden impulfes of a ftrong refentment, is fo great an alle- viation of his crime, as feems abfolutely inconfiflent with the charaaer given of it in the Scripture, where it is Paid to merit the heavieft punifhment, and reprefented in the blackeft colours. There are others that think Judas be- trayed his Mailer through covetoufnefs but if we underhand by covetoufnefs, the reward given by the prieffs, this opinion is equally defective ; for the fum was too (mall for the molt covetous wretch to think equivalent to the life of a friend, efpecially when he expected from him the highefi ports and advantages. The reader will be convinced of the force of this remark, when he remembers, that all the difciples helieved the Meffiah's kingdomwas inflantly tobe erected; and that, according to the notion they entertained of it, each of them, efpecially the apoliles, expeQed, in a very fhort time, to be pofleffed of immenfe riches: befides, the Scripture tells us, that the predominant paffion of Judas was co- vetoufnefs ; he, therefore, could not be fo 3 inconfiflent with himfelf, as when juft on the point of receiving an immenfe reward for his fervice, to exchange every thing for fo trifling a fum. But there are others that attribute the perfidy ofJudas, to his doubting whether his Mailer was the Meflìah, and that he betrayed him in a fit of defpair: but of all the folutions, this is the worfl founded; for, if Judas believed his Matter to be an impoflor, he muff have obferved fome- thing in his behaviour, which led him to form fuch an opinion of him ; and, in that cafe, he would doubtlefs have mentioned it to the chief priefls and elders, when he made the contract with them, which it is plain he did not, as they would have re- minded him of it, when he came back and expreffedhis remorfe for what he had done. It fhould alto be obferved, that had Judas given them any intimations of this kind, they would doubtlefs have urged them againil our blefred Saviour himfelf in the courfe of his trial, when they were at fo great a lofs for witnefles to fupport their accufations ; and againf1 the apoflles after- wards, when they reproved themfor fpeak- ing in the name of Jesus i befides, had Judas thought his Matter an impoflor, and propofed nothing by his treachery, but the price he put upon his life, how came he to fell him for fuch a trifle, when he well knew, that the chief prieffs and rulers would have given him any fum, ra- ther than not have gotten him into their hands? In fine, the fuppofition that Judas believed his Matter to be an impoflor, direaly confuted by the folemn declaration he made to the prieffs, when he declared the deepeft conviPtion of the innocence of our great Redeemer: I have finned, Paid he, in betraying the innocent blood. And it mutt be remembered, that the remorfe he felt for his crime, was too bitter to be endured; fo that he fled even to the king of terrors for relief; after he law his Matter condemned. However, fince he treachery of Judas did not proceed from any of there motives, it