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and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, &C. 229 mentioned, it implied both an infatiable avarice, and a wilful oppofition to the counfels of Providence, and rendered the aétor of it a difgrace to human nature : but it is calculated to fet the credibility of the traitor's ation in a proper light, and to Thew that he was not moved to it by any thing fufpicious in the charater of his Mailer; becaufe, according to this view of it, his perfidy, inilead of implying that he entertained fufpicions of his Mailer's inte- grity, plainly proves, that he had the fulleft conviction ofhis being the Mefliahi and, to fay the truth, it was not poffible for any one intimately acquaintedwithourLord,asJudas was, to judge otherwife ofhim ; having feen his miracles, which were great and true be- yond exception, and having experienced his power in the ability of working miracles, which he had received from him, and, no doubt, exercifed with extraordinary plea- fure, together with the refs ofthe apoltles. C H A P T E R XXXII. Our Saviour inflitutes the Sacrament of his Supper: He checketh the ambitious Strife of his Difciples, and promiféth them a Share in his Kingdom : He telleth Peter of Satan's Dfre to fft him, but that his Faith fhould be fupported; and yet he fhould thrice deny him : He advifeth his Difciples to provide Necearies, and to arm themfelves againft the Day of Trial: He promifeth them Power to do greater Works than his own, and the Grant of all that they jhould afk in his Name : He requireth their Obedience as a Proof of their Love, and giveth them a Promife of the Comforter, the Holy Ghoft. Under the Parable of a Vine, Cso etsT fetteth forth God's Government of his Church, and exhorteth his Difciples to abide in his Faith and Dobirine: He commandeth them to love one another, according to the great Love he had fheteed for them; and warneth them of their Sufferingsfor his Sake: He comforteth them by a Promife of the Holy GAO : He intimateth his Death, Refurreétion, and Afenjion: His Difçiples confefs their Faith in him; heforetelleth their Defertion of him, and promifeth them Peace in him amidfi their Tribulation in the World : He prayeth to his Father to glorify him; and to preferve his Apo/Iles in Unity of Faith, and from all Evil; and to fanEbify themwith the Word of Truth; and for the perfel Union of all Believers, and their Admifon to a Share ofhis Glory in Heaven. IT does not appear that our Saviour was in the leaft difurbed at the con- fideration of the treachery of Judas ; for, in order to render his love to mankind more effettual, he inftituted the facrament of his fupper, to perpetuate the memory Of it throughout all ages. Accordingly, as they were eating the pafchal-fupper, No. 20. ,7efus took bread, and bled it, and brake it, and gave it to the difciples, andPaid, Take, eat; this is my body, which is given foryou : this do in remembrance of me. Obferve this rite no longer in remembrance of your deliverance from Egypt, but in remembrance of me ; who, by dying for you, will bring you out of the fpiritual 3 K bondage,