and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, &c. 235 his eternal happinefs : nor can any man go thither by any other way. If ye fay, ye do not know the Father, I tell you, that no man who knoweth me, can be ignorant ofmy Father, of his will, and of the manner ofpleafing him ; formy Father and I are one : fo that if ye know me, ye muff know the Father alfo ; and indeed ye do know him, and have been futciently inftruéfed in his precepts. Then Philip anfwered, Lord, thew us but once the Father, andwe {hall be fully fatisfied. But Jesus replied, have I been fo long conti- nually with you, and doff thou not yet knowme, Philip ? I tell you, I and my Father are the fame ; fo that to know one is to be acquainted with both. What then can you mean by defiring to fee the Father, as if you could {till be ignorant of him, after being fo long acquainted with me? Do you not believe that the Father and I are one and the fame ? Whatfoever I fpeak, is the declaration of his will, and whatfo- ever I do, is the operation of his power. Believe me, that the Father and I are one ; and if ye refufe to believe my own affirma- tion, yet, as my works carry in them un- deniable evidences of a divine power, let them convince you. You then furely have matter fufficient to comfort and fupport your fpirits under the thoughts of my departure from you. Ye have abundant reafon to believe, that I have power to perform all the promifes I have made you, and the defign of my de- parture is afually to perform them. When I am returned to my Father, ye (hall foon receive fufficient pledges of my care and remembrance ofyou : ye {hall be endued with power not only to perform the fame works ye have feen me do, as healing dif- eafes, giving fight to the blind, callingout devils, and the like, for the convfion of the Jews, but even to do greater things than thofe ; to fpeak with all kinds of tongues, and to propagate my religion through all the nations of the earth, even amongfl the Gentiles. As being 'my difciples, and in order to promote the work of the gofpel, whatfo, ever ye {hall afk of my Father, in my name, (hall certainly be granted you : that God may be greatly glorified, by the ex- traordinary fuccefs and fpreading the relic pion of his Son, I fay, that whatfoever ye {hall afk, I will take care, after my return to the Father, that it fhall be granted you; only ye mull remember, as the neceffary condition upon which all depends, that ye be careful above all things to continue ffedfat and immoveable in your obedience to my commands: this is the only true mark ye can give of the fincerity of your love towards me ; it is more than your grieving at my departure. I fay, the Father {hall fend you another advocate and comforter, even his Holy' Spirit, the author and teacher of truth, who fhall guide and dire£{, a{lift and com- fort you in all cafes. This Spirit, the fen- fual and corrupt world cannot receive, having no knowledge of him, nor difpofi- tion to be governed by him ; but ye know him, and are difpofed to entertain him : he is already in you, by his fecret and in- vifible efficacy ; and {hall hereafter appear in you openly, by great and vifible mani- feflations of himfelf. Thus, though I muff depart from you, yet I do by no means leave you comfortlefs : I leave with you a promife of the Holy Spirit ; and I leave you in expeaation elfo of my own return: forthough, after a very little while, I fhall appear no more to the world ; yet, as I (hall live again, and ye alfo {hall live with me, to you I will appear. Therefore, when I have conquered and triumphedover death, ye {hall underftand more fully, and it (hall appear more vifibly by great and manifeff efefls, that I act, in all things, agreeable to my Father's will, and am perfeffly inveffed with his power; and that ye in like manner have my power and comtniffion communicated to you : fo thatthere is a perfeé%unity and com- munity between us; onlyye muff remember that the one neceffary condition, on which all depends, is, that ye continue fledfaff and