li a36 Tite NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD -and immoveable in your faith in me, and in your :obedience to my commands. He, and he only, who embraces my doarine, and obeys and praaifes it, fhall be judged to be fincere in his love towards me: And ;he that loaeth meJhall-be loved of myFather, land Iwill love him, and willmanile:It myfelf to him. Judas Thaddeus here interrupted his -Mailer, faying, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifef thyfelf unto us, andnot unto he world? To which JEsus replied, I have already told you the reafon for my ailing :in this Manner ; becaufe the generality of the world are not difpofed to obey my com- mandments, the neceflàry condition of maintaining communion with me : but ye are difpofed to embrace my dodirine, and to obey 'it; and, therefore, I manifeft my- felf to :you. And whoever elfe will fo love me as -to keep my commandments, him alfo will I and my Father love, and will maintain communion with him, and all fpiritual bleffings fhall be poured down -upon him, and he (hall be made partaker ofhappinefs and eternal life. On the con- trary, whoever loves me not, that is, obeys not my commandments, fhall have no in- tercourfe or communionwith me ; neither -will my Father love or honour him, or make- any 'manifeflations of himfelf to him : for as my commandments are not my own, but the Father's commandments, therefore, whoever difhonours me, my Father will look upon him as difhonouring himfelf. I have briefly fpoken there things unto you now, according to the Ihortnefs of the time I am to continue with you, and to comfort you for the prefent, againfl my departure. But when the comforterwhom I promifed you is come, even the Holy Spirit, whom my Father (hall fend you onmy account, he (hall inflrua you more fully, recalling to your remembrance what you have-forgotten, explaining what is yet obfcurc, and fupplying what is further ne- ceffary to be taught you, and to be under- . flood by you: In the mean time, I take my leave of you, and my bleffing I leave with you ; not formally, and after the common fafhion of the world, but affec- tionately and fincerely, retaining a careful remembrance of you, and with an earnefl delire and intention of returning again fpeedily to you. Wherefore, be not over- much grieved for me and my departure, nor fearful ofwhat may then befall your- felves I go away from you, but it is with an intention, as I have already told you, to return toyou again. If you loved me with a wife and underflanding affeélion, ye would rejoice, inflead ofgrieving at my prefent departure ; becaufe I am going to the Supreme Author ofall glory and hap - pinefs, even to my Father. I have now told you thefe things before they come to pafs, that when ye fee them happen, your faith in me, and your ex- peElation of the performance of all my promifes, may be confirmed and ílrength- ened; the time will not allow me to fay much more to you at prefent ; my end draweth near; the ruler of this world-, the prince of the power of darknefi, is at this inllant employing all his wicked inflru- ments to apprehend and defiroy me : not that either the power of the devil, or the malice of man, can at all prevail over me; but becaufe the time of my fuffering, ac- cording to the appointment ofDivine Wir- dom, is arrived; and that I may demon- fixate to the world my love and obedience to my Father, I willingly fubmit myfelf to be put to death by the hands of finful and cruel -men. Rife up, let us be going, that I mayenter on my fufferings. See John, chap. xiv. ver. i. to the end. Thus having fpoken, they finned the paffover with .finging a hymn, and went out to the Mount of Olives. The hymn which they fung was probably that which the Jews call the Hallam, or great hymn, which confifled of the hundred and thir- teenth and five fubfequent pfalms ; part of which was Tung at the beginning of the folemnity, and part at the end. When