Wright - BT300 W8 1788

238 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD will utterly perilh at ]alt.- I fay, I am, as it were, the root and flock of the vine, whereof ye are the branches : he that con- tinues td adhere to me, by confiant faith in me, by imitating my example, and by obeying my commands, fhall bring forth much fruit, of true virtue and holinefs, unto everlafting life ; even as a branch which continues to grow in a vine, and receives fap and nourifhment from it: but he that does not continue his relation to me in this manner, is a- falfe and ufelefs profeffor of my religion, and !hall be caft out from me, and perifh for ever; even as a fruitlefs branch is cut off from the vine, and left to wither and dry, and is at lafl burnt in the fire : but if ye continue in me, by believing my words, and holding fait what ye believe, and obeying and prac- tiling it, no power, or malice, either of man or of devils, !hall be able to hurt you, or oppofe your doarines : for though I be abfent from you in body, yet I will hear your prayers, and my Father himfelf alfo will hear you ; and whatfoever ye fhall alit, for the glory of the Almighty, and the propagation of my true religion in the world, thatl certainly be granted you: but, above all things, carefully re- member to demonfrate your continuance in me, by abounding in all good works of holinefs, righteoufnefs, and charity. This is the honour which my Father delires and expecìs from you, even as it is the glory and defire of a vine-dreffer, that his vine fhould bring forth much fruit ; and this is the honour that I myfelf expefi from you, that ye Ihouldprove yourfelves to be really and indeed my difciples, by imitating my example and obeying my commands: this ye are bound to do, not only in duty, but in gratitude alto; for as my Father bath loved me, fo have I elfo loved you, and ye in like manner ought to love me again, that you may continue to be loved by me : but the way to exprefs your love towards me, and to continue to be loved by me, is tokeep my commandments ; even as I, by keeping my Father's commandments, have 3 exprefled my love towards him, and con- tinue to be loved by him. I have fpoken to you tilde things before my departure, that the comfort . ye have taken in my pretence, may be continued in my abfence, and even increafed at the coming of the Holy Spirit, as it will be upon this condition, which I have fo often, repeated to you, that you keep my corn-. mandments : and the principal of thefe, commandments is, that ye love one ano, ther, not after the common falhion of the world, butin fuch a manner, as I have lo- ved you; nor can you be ignorant what fort oflove that is, when I tell you that I am now going to lay down my life for you: this is the highefl inflance, in which it is poll-1131e for a man to exprefs his love to wards his greatefl friends and benefactors ; but this I am now going to do for you, and for all mankind: I do not confider you as my benefaftors, but as my friends; upon this eafy, condition only, that ye keep my commandments. I might, indeed, juflly call you fervants, confidering the infinite diflance between me and you, and the obligation ye have to obey my com- mandments : but I have not treated you as fervants, who are not admitted into their mafter's councils, but as friends, re- vealing to you, with all freedom and plain- nefs, the whole will of my Father. I fay, I have behaved myfelf to you, as to the nearefl friends ; not that you fir! obliged me, or did any acts of kindncfs for me, but I have freely, and of my own good pleafure, chofen you to be my apofiles, and the preachers of my gofpel, that you may go and declare the will of God to the world, and bring forth much and falling fruit, in the converfion of into to the knowledge of the truth, and to the profeffìon and practice of true religion and virtue. In the performance of this work, whatfoever ye fhall afk of my Father in my name, it hall certainly be.. granted you, in order to enable you to per- form it effectually, and with full fue- cefs. In