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and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, &C. 241 adverfaries ; and (hall, with wonderful effi- cacy, caufe the doarine of the gofpel to fpread and prevail in the world againh all oppofition: he (hall particularly, and in a moft extraordinary and convincing man- ner, make the world fenfible of the great- nefs and heinoufnefs of a fin of which they were not aware, of the righteoufnefs and ju{lice of a difpenfation they did not un- derhand, and of the execution of a molt remarkable judgment they did not expea. First, by wonderfully attefling and con- firming the truth of my doarine, by the gift of tongues, and other wonderful figns, he (hall convince the world of the great- nefs and heinoufnefs of their fins, in dif- believing and rejeaing me. Secondly, by demonflrating, that my departure out of the world, was not perifhing and dying, but only a returning to my Father, in order to be inverted with all power both in hea- ven and earth, he (hall convince the world of therighteoufnefs and juftice ofmy caufe, and of the excellency of that difpenfation which I preachedand declared to mankind. Laflly, he (hall convince men ofmy power and authority to execute judgment upon mine enemies, for the eflablifhment of my kingdom upon earth, by mightily deftroy- ing the power of the Devil and the domi- nion of fin, and propagating the doarine of true religion in the world, with wonder- ful efficacy and fuccefs. Many other things are yet hereafter to be done in relation to the fettling and elta- blifhing of my church, which, if it were proper, I 'would now acquaint you with, but ye are not yet prepared to underhand and receive them. Howbeit, when the Spirit of Truth, whom I promifed you, is come, he fhall enlargeyour underfiandings, remove your prejudices, and inftrua you in all neceffary and divine truths, to enable you to go through that great work, which I have begun in perron, and which I will carry on by your minifiry ; for the Spirit is not to begin any new work, or to found any newdoarine ofhimfelf: but as I have taught and will teach you only in my Fa- No. 21. ther's name, fo the Spirit (hall infiruft you only in mine and my Father's will, and in things neceffary to promote and carry on the fame defign. Every thingthat he does (hall be only in order to manifeft my glory, and ellablifh my religion in the world; even as every thing that I have done, has been only to manifeft my Fa- ther's glory, and reveal his will to man- kind : for as all that I have taught is only what I received from my Father, fo all that the Spirit (hall teach you, is onlywhat he receives from me. Whatfoever, I fay, the Spirit (hall teach you, is only what he receives from me ; for receiving from my Father, I call receiving from me, and teaching his will, is teaching mine ; feeing all things that the Father bath, are com- mon to me, and all power and dominion is committed to me by him. Be careful now to remember what mat- ter for comfort I have given you, and fupport yourfelves with it, under the ap- proachingdihrefs. It is now, indeed, but a very little while before I (hall be taken away from you ; neverthelefs, let not this taufe you to defpair: for, after I am de- parted, it will be alto but a little while before I appear to you again ; inafmuch âs my being taken away from you is not pe- ratting, but only returning to my Father. At thefe laft words of JEsus, the difciples were greatly diflurbed and troubled, not underftanding his true meaning, that in a very fhort time he fhould be taken from them by death; and that, after having overcome death by a glorious refurreaion, he would appear to them again before his afcenfion into heaven. Not underfianding this, I fay, they inquired, one of another; what can he mean by telling us, that in a very little time he. (hall be taken out of our fight; and that in a very little time more, we (hall fee him again, and this be- caufe he goeth to the Father? The mean- ing ofall this we cannot underhand. But JEsus obferving their perplexity, and knowing that they were defrrous of afking him, replied, Why are ye thus 3 N difturbed