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and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, 81c. 253 could . only be performed by Divine Power, interpreted his affertion as blafphemy. Our Saviour, during the whole time, made no reply to the evidences that were produced againft him, which greatly pro- voked the high-prielt, who, fuppofing that be intended by his filence to put an affront on the council, rote from his feat, and with great perturbation, demanded the reafon for fo remarkable a condua: Anfwerell thou nothing, faid he, what is it which thefe witnefs againf thee? And fome of the council .added, Art thou tie .ChráJi? To which our bleffed Saviour anfwered, If I fhould tell you plainly, you would not, believe me ; and if I fhould demonftrate it to you by the moft evident and undeniable arguments, ye would neither be convinced, nor releafe me. After thefe things, the high-prieft, find- ing it impoffible to enfnare Jesus, and being defirous of rendering the trial as fhort as poffible, faid tohim, I adjure thee folemnly by the dreadful and tremendous name of God, in whofe pretence thou Pfands, that thou tell us plainly and truly, whether thou art the Mefliah, the Son. of God ? This quefiion was artfully con- trived ; for, if JESUS fhould anfwer it in the affirmative, they were ready to con- demn him, as a blafphemer; if in the ne- gative, they intended to punifh him as an impoftor, who had deceived the people by accepting from them the honours and titles of the Meffiah. The bleffed JEsus was not, however, intimidated by the confequence attending his confeffion of the truth ; for, being . ad- jured by the chief magifirate, he imme- diately confeffed the charge, adding, ye Thali fhortly fee a convincing evidence of this truth, in that wonderful and unparal- leled deffruétion which I will fend upon the.Jewifh nation; in the quick and power- ful progrefs which the gofpel hall make over the earth ; and, finally, in my glori- No. 22, ous appearance in the clouds of heaven at the laft day, the fign you have fo often demanded in confirmation of my being fent from God. This anfwer of our bleffed Saviour's, caufeda number of them to cryout at once, as aftogifhefl at the fuppofed blafphemy, Art thou the Son of God? To which our great Redeemer replied, Ye fay that I am.: a manner of fpeaking among the Jews, which expreffed a plain and firong affir- mation. The high.prieft, on hearing this fecond affertion, rent his clothes with great indig- nation, and faid unto the council, Why need we trouble ourfelves to feek for any more witnefles? Ye yourfelves, nay, this whole affembly are witnefles, that he bath fpokenmanifeft and notorious blafphemy ; what think ye ? To which they all replied, that, for affuming to himfelf the charaEter of the Meffiah, he deferved to be put to death. The fervants and common people then began to fall upon him as a man already condemned ; fpitting upon him, buffeting him,andoffering him all manner ofrudenefs and indignities-: theyblindfolded him, and force of the council, in order to ridicule him for having pretended to be the great Prophet, bid him exercife his prophetical gift, in declaring by whom he was fmitten. Surely, thole mifcreants could hardly in- vent any thing more expreflive of the con- tempt in which they held our great Re- deemer's pretenfions to be the Meffiah. Thus was the great Judge of all the earth placed at the bar of frail mortals, falfely accufed,by the witneflès, unjufily condemned by his judges, and barbaroufly infulted by all. Yet, becaufe it was agree- able to the endof his coming, he patiently fubmitted, though he could with a frown have made his judges, his accufers, and thofe who had him in cuflody, to expire in a moment, or utterly dwindle away. 3Q C H A P T E R