272 The NEW and COMPLETES LIFE of our BLESSED LORD uncommon for them to live many hours after that operation was performed ; for though the pain they left muff be exquifite in the lap degree, yet as the vital parts remain untouched, life would continue tome time in the miferable body. Pilate therefore called the centurion to know the truth of what Jofeph had told him; and being convinced from the anfwer of that officer that JESUS had been dead fome time, he readily granted the requeh. Having obtained his defire, this worthy counfellor repaired to mount Calvary ; and being anted by Nicodemus, took the body down from the crois. The latter was formerly fo cautious in vifiting JESUS that he came to him by night; but in paying the Tall duties to his Matter, he ufed no art to conceal his defign : he {hewed a courage far fuperior to that of any of the apoftles ; not only afftfling Jo- feph in taking down the body of JESUS from the crois, but bringing with him a quantity of fpices neceffary in the burial of his Saviour. Accordingly, they wrapt the body, with the fpices, in fine linen, and laid it in a new fepulchre, which Jofeph had hewnout of a rock for himfelf. This fepulchre was fituated in a garden near mount Calvary ; but being not entirely finilhed when they depofited in it the body of the ble{fed JESUS, they fattened the entrance by rolling a very large flone upon it. What a wonderful fpeflacle was now exhibited in this memorable fepulchre ! He who clothes himfelf with light, as with a garment, and walks upon the wings of the wind, was pleafed to wear the habili- ments of mortality, and dwell amongít the prohrate dead! Who can repeat the won- derous truth too often? Who can dwell upon the enchanting theme too long ! He who fits enthroned in glory, and dif- fufes blifs amongft all the heavenly boil, was once a pale and bloody corpfe, and preffed the floor of this little fepulchre ! Wonder, O heavens ! and be aflonifhed, O earth! In that folemn hour how great was thy triumph, O death! never did thy gloomy realms contain fuch a prifoner before. Prifoner, did I fay? No, he was more than conqueror. He arofe farmore mightily than Sampfon from a tranfient {lumber; broke downthe gates, and demolifhed the prong holds of 'thole dark dominions. And this, O mortals, is your confolation and fecurity! JESUS has trod the dread- ful path, and finoothed it for your paffage. JESUS, fleeping in the chambers of the tomb, has brightened the difmal manfion, and left an inviting odour in thofe beds of duff. The dying JESUS is your fure proteélion, your unqueflionable paffport through the territories of the grave. Be- lieve in him with all your hearts, and love and obey him, and you will find him the highway to Sion; he will tranfmit you fafe to paradife. Believe in him, and you fhall be no lofers, but unfpeakable gainers by your diffolution. For hear what the oracle of heaven fays on this important point : H/hofo believeth in me, fiall never die. Death fhall no longer be inflieled as a punifhment, but rather vouchfafed as a Welling. 'Their exit is the end of their frailty, and their entrance upon perfec- tion : their lati groan is the prelude to life, immortality, and joy. Thewomen ofGalilee, who had watched their dear Redeemer in his lap moments, and accompanied his body to the fepulchre, obferving that the funeral rites were per- formed in a hurry, agreed among them- felves, as foon as the fabbath was palled, to return to the fepulchre, and embalm the body of their great Saviour, by anointing and fwathinghim in the manner then com- mon amongtt the Jews. Accordingly, they returned to the city, and purchafed the fpices neceffary for that purpofe ; Nico- demus having furnithed only a mixture of myrrh and aloes for the above end. The chief priefls and Pharifees, during thefe tranfatlions, remembering that Jesus had more than once prediéled his own refitrrc&ion, came to the governor, and informed