and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, &c. 275 11615k;94elieg-,51,-Ve5ili-lagn4A144544c5. C H A PT E R XLI, The Speechof the Angel to the Women, informing them that JESUS is rifen : Peter andJohn go into the Sepulchre : Cu ses s Tappears to Mary Magdalene : The CompanyofWomenfet out afecond Time in Quell of Peter and John: Jesus meets them: Mary Magdalene and the Company of Women returnfrom their feveral Interviews with Jesus.: Peter runs to the Sepulchre afecond Time, and as he returnsfees his great Lord and Mafia-. A FTE R Mary Magdalene was gone li to inform the difciples that the ftone was rolled away from the mouth of the fepulchre, and the fuppofed body taken away, Mary and Salome drew near to- wards the fepulchre, and at their arrival found what they expelled, the body of their beloved Maker gone from the place where it had been depofited by Nicodemus and Jofephof Arimathea ; but at the fame time beheld, to their great aftonifhment, a beautiful young man, inRaining raiment, very glorious to behold, fitting at the right fide of the fepulchre. Matthew tells us that it was the angel whohad rolled away the ftone, and frightened away the guards from the fepulchre. It feerns he hadnow laid afide his terrors in which he was then arrayed, and affumed the form and drefs of a human being, in order that thefe pious women, who had accompanied him during the greateft part the time of his public miniltry, might not be terrified : but, notwithftanding his beauty and be- nign appearance, they were greatly af- frighted, and on the point of turningback, when the heavenly meffenger, to banifh their fears, told them, in a gentle accent, that he knew their errand: Fear not, Paid he; for Iknow that yefeek f fns, which was crucified. He is not here; for he is rifen, as helaid : and then invited them to come down into the fepulchre, and view the place where the Son of God had lain ; that 3 is, to look on the linen clothes, and the napkin that was about his head, and which he had left behind him when he rofe from the dead: for to look at the place in any other view would not have tend- ed to confirm their faith of his being rifen. Greatly encouraged by the agreeable news, as well as by the fweet accent with which this meffenger from the heavenly Canaan delivered his feech, the women went down into the fepulchre, whenbehold another of the angelic choir appeared. Probably the one fat at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain ; the pofition in which they ap- peared to Mary Magdalene afterwards. However they did not yet feem to give credit to what was told them by theangel; and therefore the other gently chid them for feeking the living amongft the dead, with an intention to do him an office due only to the latter, and for not believing what was told them by a meffenger from heaven, or rather for not remembering the words which their great Maker had himfelf told them with regard to his own refurreltion : Why leek ye the living amongJl the dead? He is not here, but is rifen : remember how he _Oahe unto you when he was yet inGalilee, Paying, The Son of man mull be delivered into the hands of fnful men, and be crucified, and the third day rife again. After