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28o The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD confidered the account they had before given them, of their having feen a vifion of angels, as an idle tale, and now they feem to have confidered this as fométhing worfe ; for the evangelift tells us, they be- lieved not. Peter indeed to whom the angel fent the meffage, was difpófed byhis fanguine temper, to give a little more credit to their words than the refs: poffibly be- caufe the meffengers from the heavenly Canaan, had done him the honour of naming him in particular. Elated with the refpef paid him in particular, he im- mediately repaired again to the fepulchre ; hoping, in all probability, that his Mailer would appear to him, or at leaf' the angel who fo particularly diilinguifhed him from the cell of his brethren. When Peter arrived at the fepulchre, he floopeddown ; and feeing the linen clothes lying in the fame manner as before, he viewed their pofition, the form in which they were laid, and returned wondering greatly in himfelf at that which was come to pals. In all probability, it was now that Peter was favoured with the fight of his Matter, r Cor. xv. 5 ; for the evangelift tells us, that it happened on the day of our bleffed Saviour's refurreél.ion. C H A P T E R XLII. JEsus appears to two of his Difcißles on the Road to Emmaus: He appears to his Apoftles on the Evening of the Refurretlion, Thomas being abfent: He appears again to the Apojiles, and convinces Thomas: Skews himfelf to his DVeifiles at the Sea of Tiberias; and to Jive hundred of the Brethren in Galilee. MO T long after the *omen's firfl re -. turn to the difciples with the news that they had feen a vifion of angels, who told' them, that JEsus was rifen from the dead, two of the brethren departed on their journey to a village called Emmaus, about two miles diflant from Jerufalem. The concern they were in on account of the death of their great and beloved Mailer, was fufficiently vifible in their counte- nances ; and as they purfued their journey, talking with one another, and debating about the things that had lately happened amongft them, concerning the life and`doc- trine, the fufferings and death of the holy Jesus, and of the report that was juftfpread amongf his difciples, ofhis being that very 2 morning rifen from the dead, JEsus him- felf overtook them, and joined their com- pany. Appearing like a franger, they did not in the leafs fufpefl, that theirfellow- traveller was no other than the great Redeemer of the tons ofmen. He loon entered into dif- courfe with them, by inquiring what event had foclofely engaged them in converfation, and why they appeared fo forrowful and dejeéìed, as if they had met with fome heavy difappointment or fore of liélion? Cleophas, one of the difciples, being furprifed at the queftion, replied, Is it poffible, that you can be fo great a (ranger to the affairs of the world, as to have been at Jerufalem, and not have heard the furprifing