and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, Vic. a furprifing events that have happened there; events that have afionifhed the whole city, and are now the confiant topic of conver- fation amongll all the inhabitants? Jesus anfwered, What furprifing events do you mean? To which Cleophas replied, The tranfaaions which have happened con- cerning Jesus of Nazareth, who appeared as a great prophet and teacher fent from God ; and accordingly was highly vene- ratedamongfi the people, for the excellency of his doftrine, and the number, benefit, and greatnefs of his miracles. Our chief priefis and elders therefore, envying him as one who leffened their authority over the people, apprehended him, and found means to put him to death: but we firmly believed he would have proved himfelf the Meffiah, or great Deliverer; and this per- fuafion we a long time fupported, nor were we willing to abandon it, even when we faw him put to death; but it is now three days fince thefe things were done, and therefore begin to fear we were mif- taken concerning him. A thing indeed happened this very morning, which extremely furprifes us, and we are very folicitous with regard to the event. Some women who had entertained the fame hopes and expeftations as 'we, going early in the morning to pay their laft duties to their Mailer, by embalming his body, returned with great halle to the city, and informed us, that they had been at the fepulchre, but were difappointed in finding the body ; and to increafe our fur- prife, they added, that they had feen .a vifion of angels, who told them that Jesus was rifen from the dead. This relation appeared at fiat to us as an idle tale, al- together incredible ; but two of the com- pany going immediately after to the fe pulchre, found every thing exaaly as the women had reported; they faw the angels, but heard not any thing of the body: fo that we are fhll in doubt and perplexity with regard to this wonderful event, and what the end of thefe things will be. Jesus replied, Why are ye fo very No. z¢. averfe to believe all that the prophets have with one voice predifted concerning the Meffiah ? Is it not clearly, and very etc- prefsly foretold, in all the prophetic wri- tings, that it was appointed by the council of Omnipotence for the Meffiah to fuffer in this manner, and that after fuflaining the greatefiindignities, reproach, and contempt, from the malice and perverfenefs of man- kind, andeben undergoing an ignominious and cruel death, to be exalted to a glori- ous and eternal kingdom? And having faid this, he began at the writings of Mofes, and explained to them, in order, all the principal paffages, both in the books of that great Iegiflator and the writings ofthe other prophets, relating to his own fuffer- ings, death, and glorious refurreftion, as predifted öf This he did, with fuch furprifing plaid - nefs, clearnefs, and flrength, that the two difciples, not yet fufpefting who he was, were as much atnázed to find a flranger fo well acquainted with all that Jesus did and fuffered, as they at fiat wondered at his appearing to be totally ignorant of thefe tranfaflións. They were elfo aflo- nifhed to hear him interpret and apply the Scriptures to their prefent purpofe, with fuch readinefs and convincing clearnefs of argument, as carried with it a firange and unufual authority and efficacy. When therefore they came to the village whither they were going, and Jesus feemed as if he would have paffed on and travelled fur- ther, they, defirous ofhis company, preffed him, in the firongefi manner, to tarry with them that night, as it was then late in the evening. The great Redeemer of mankind con- fented to this requefl, and when they were fat down to flipper, he took bread, and gave thanks to God, and brake it, and gave it to them, in the fame manner he ufed to do while he converfed with them upon earthbefore his death. This engaged their attention, and looking fledfaflly on him, they perceived it was their great and. beloved Mailer: but they had then no 3Y time