and Saviour, JESUS CHRI Let us alfo remember that our burden is eafy; becaufe God, who knoweth where- of we are made, who confidereth that we are but dull, is ever ready to affil us. The Heathen fages themfelves had fosne notiòns of this alfiflance, though guided only by a glimmering lamp of reafon ; but what they looked upon as probable, the gofpel clearly and ftrongly afferts. We there hear the apoflle exhorting, Let us come boldly unto the throne ofgrace, that wemay obtain mercy, andfindgrace to help in. time ofneed. Heb. iv. s6. We there hear the bleffed Jesus himfelf arguing in this con- vincing manner, If ye, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more fliait your heavenly Father give the holy Spirit to them that afk him? Luke xi. 13. We would not here be underftood to mean, that the agency of the fpirit is irrefrffible, and lays a neceifttating biafs on all the faculties and affe&ions. Were this the cafe, precepts and prohibitions, promifes and threatenings, would fignify nothing; and duty and obligation would be words without a meaning. The fpirit affiffeth in a manner agreeable to the frame of human nature ; not controlling the free ufe of reafon, but by aflill:ing the underfeanding, influencing the will, and moderating the affeEtions : but though we may not be able to explain the mode of his operations, the Scriptures warrant us to affert, that, when men are renewed and prepared for heaven, it is through fanfi fication of the fpirit, and belief of the truth. How enlivening the thought ! how encouraging the motive f We are not left to Rruggle alone with the difficulties which attend the pralîice of virtue in the prefent imperfeQ flare. The merciful Father of our fpirits is ever near to help our infirmi- ties, to enlighten the underflanding, to flrengthen good refolutions, and in con - currence with our own endeavours, to 'make us conquerors over all oppofition. Faithful is he tohis promifes, and will not fuller the fincere and well-difpofed to be 2 ST, and Isis APOSTLES, &C. 295 tempted above what they arc able to bear. What can be defired snore than this t To promote the virtue and happinefs of his moral offspring, the Supreme Parent bath done all that is conftftent with the holincls . ofhis nature, and the free agency ofman : if then we are not virtuous and happy, it is our own faults, and we are utterly in- excufable, in refufing the grace and mercy proffered in the gofpel. Let us alto remember, that the great dollrine of the gofpel concerning the pro- pitious mercy of God to all penitents through Cxatsz Jesus, greatly contri- butes to the eafe and pleafure of a religi- ous life. Let it be granted, that the hope of pardon is effential to the religion of fallen creatures, and one of it's first prin- ciples; yet, confidering the doubts and fufpicions which are apt to arife in a mind confcious of guilt, it is undoubtedly a great, an ineflimable favour, to be relieved in this refpea by a meffenger from Omni- potence himfelf. This is our happinefs : we are not left to depend upon confe. quential reafonings, which the bulk of mankind are little_ ufed to ; but we are affured, that, upon our true repentance, we !hall, through the mediation of CHRIST, receive the full remiflion of pall fins, 'and be reftored to the fame flare and favour with our Maker, as if we had never t'ranf- greffed his laws : here the gofpel triumphs, with thefe affurances it abounds ; upon this head the declarations of our bleffed Savi- our and his apoilles are fo exprefs and fú11; that every one who believes them, and knows himfelf to be a true penitent, mull banfh every doubt and fear, and rejoice with joy unfpeakable : Come unto one, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I willgive yoú. re,.Mat. xi. 28. All manner offin and blafphemy (hall beforgiven unto men, ch. xii. 31. Be it known unto you, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgivenefs offins; and by hint all that believe are jufl/edfrom all things, from whichye could not be jtfi- fzed by the law of Motet, Alls xiii. 38, 39. The