304 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD mankind, . we fhall find that the love of the world had poffefíed his heart. He had acquired a plentiful eflate, was in poffeffion ofa very rich and profitable trade, fup- ported by the power and favour of the Ro- mans, prompted by covetous inclinations, and thefe confirmed by long habits and cuftoms : but notwithilanding all this, no fooner did CHRIST call him, than he aban- doned, without the leali fcruple or hefita- tion, all his riches ; nay, he not only re- nounced his lucrative trade, but ran the greateft hazard of difpleafing the mailers who employed him, for quitting their fer- vice, without giving them the leali notice, and leaving his accounts in confufion. Had our bleffed Saviour appeared as a fecular prince, clothed with temporal power and authority, it would have been no won- der for St. Matthew to have gone over to his fervice : but when he appeared under all the circumflances of meannefs and dif- grace, when he feems to promife his fol- lowers nothing but mifery and fufferings iìt this life, and to propofe no other rewards than the invifible encouragements of ano- ther world, his change appears truly won- derful and furprifing. It was indeed fo remarkable, that both Porphyry and Julian, two fubtle adverfaries of the Chriftian re- ligion, took occafion from hence to charge him either with falfehood or folly ; with the former, if he did not give a true account ofthings ; and with the latter, if his cafe was fairly reprefented, in fo haftily follow- ing the perfon who called him : but thefe detractors would have done .well to have 1-6-- membered, that the holy Jesus was no common perfon ; his commands were at- tendedwith fomething more than common. St. Jerom is of opinion, that befides the divinity which evidently appeared in the miracles of the Lamb of God, there was a divine brightnefs and kindof majefsy in his looks, which was at firft fight fufficient to draw perlons afterhim : but however that be, his miraculous powersthat reflecsed a lunre from every quarter, and the efficacy of his doctrine accompanied with the divine grace, t made way for the fummons fent to our apofile, and enabled him to conquer all oppofitions, and all the difficulties that oppofed his obeying the commands of his Saviour, when he received the powerful call. A 11111 further evidence of his contempt of the world appeared in his exemplary temperance and abnemioufnefs from all delights and pleafures ; nay, even from the ordinary conveniencies and accommoda- tions of it : he was fo far from indulging his appetite with delicate curiofities, that he refufed to gratify it with lawful and or- dinary provifions; his ufual diet being only herbs, roots, feeds, and berries: but what appeared molt remarkable in him, and which, though the leaft virtue in itfelf, is the greaten in the efteem and value of a wife man, washis humility: he was mean and models in his own opinion, always preferring others to himfelf; for whereas the other evangelifts, in defcribing the apoflles by pairs, conftantly place him before St. Thomas, he modeflly places him before himfelf. The refs of the evangelifis are careful to mention the honour of his aponlefhip, but fpeak of his former fordid, difhoneft, and difgraceful courfe of life, only under the name of Levi; while he himfelf Pets it . down, with all it's circumftances, under his own proper and common name; a condu& which at once commends the prudence and candour of the spoils, and fuggefls to us this ufeful reflection, That thegreaten finners are not excluded from divine grace ; nor can any, if penitent, have juts reafon to defpair, when publicans and finners find mercy at the throne of grace. The con- duct of the other evangelifss with regard to St. Matthew, should alto teach us to ufe a penitent brother with the greateft modefly and tendernefs ; it being contrary to the rules of civility, as well as the làws of refi - gion, to upbraid and reproach a perfon, after his repentance, with the errors of his former life and practices. We (hall conclude the life of this aponle with a remark concerningbis gofpel, which was