320 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LARD after executing their commiffion, returned to Antioch. But while theywere perform- ing the public exercifes of religion, it was revealed to them by the Holy Ghofi, that they [Mould let apart Barnabas and Saul, to preach the gofpel in other places ; which was accordingly done, and they were immediately deputed for that fervice by prayer, falling, and the impofition of hands. They flirt of all vifited Seleucia, where they did not continue long, but failed for Cyprus ; and at Salamis, a great city in that ifland, they preached in the fynagogue of the Jews. From hence they removed to Paphos, the refidence of Sergius Paulus, the proconful of the ifland, a man of great wifdom and prudence, but miferably fe- duced,by the wicked artifices of Bar-Jefus, a Jewifh impofior, who Ryledhimfelf Ely - mas, or the magician, vehemently oppofed the apofiles, and kept the proconful from embracing the faith, as preached by them. However, the proconful called for the apofiles, who, after feverely checking Ely- mas for his malicious oppofition to the truth, told him the divine vengeance was now ready to feize upon him ; and imme- diately he was deprived of his fight. The vengeance of the Almighty, in depriving him of the ufe of his bodily eyes, bore a remarkable analogy to the blindnefs of thcfe of his mind, which were fo wilfully and malicioufly [hut againfi the light of the golpel, and alto endeavoured to keep others in darknefs and ignorance. This miracle convinced the proconful of the truth ofthe doarines taught by the apofiles, and made him a convert to Chriflianity. After this remarkable fuccefs in Cyprus, St. Paul repaired to Phrygia and Pamphi-' lia, and, taking Titus with him in the room of Mark, who was gone to Jerufalem, travelled to Antioch, the metropolis of Pifidia.. Soon after their arrival, they entered the fynagogue of the Jews on the Sabbath-day, and, after the reading ofthe law, Paul being invited by the rulers of the fynagogue, delivered himfelf in the 2 following manner : " Hearken, all ye de- fcendants of Jacob, and ye that fear the Almighty, to the words of my mouth. The God of Ifrael made choice of our fathers, and loved them, when they had no city of their gwn to dwell in, but were Rrangers and (laves in Egypt, bringing them from thence with a mighty .hand, and a firetched-out arm; fed -them in the wildernefs forty years, and would not fuf- fer his anger to arife againfi them, though they often provoked him in the defert. On their arrival in the land he promifed their fathers, he de[lroyed the nations that inhabited it, and placed them in that fruit- ful country, dividing it to them by lot, for their inheritance. °° As loon as they were fettled in the land, he gave them judges during four hundred and fifty years, till Samuel the prophet: but on their defiring a king, he placed over them Saul the fon 3Tis a Benjamite, who reigned about örty years ; and after his death, he placed Da- vid on' the throne of Ifrael, giving him this tefiimony, I have found David, the fon of mi., a man after mine own heart, which (hallfull all mywill. And accord- ing to his promife, the Almighty hath railed up to the fons of David a Saviour JESUS, which is CHRIST the Lord. The baptifm of repentance having been preached be- fore his coming by John : and as his fore- runner executed his office, he afked his followers, Whom think ye that I am? Yon muff not millake me for the Mefiìah ; he will loon follow, me : but I am not worthy to perform the meaneR office for him. °° Therefore, ye defcendants of Abra- ham, and all otherswho fear the Almighty, to you is the word of this falvation fine. For the inhabitants ofJerufalem, and rulers of Ifrael, being ignorant of him, andr the voices of the prophets, though read every Sabbath in their fynagogues, fulfilled their prediélions by condemning the immacu- late Son of the Moli High. They found indeedno fault in him, though they earnefily de fired Pilate that he might be crucified. " Every