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322 The' NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD the vanities of this world, and turn to the Living God, who created the heaven and the earth, the fea, and all the creatures they contain. This omnipotent Being fuffered all nations formerly to walk in their own ways, though he never left him- felfwithout awitnefs, doing thegreatef good to the children ofmen ; it is he that fend- eth rain from heaven, and crowneth the year with fruitful feafons, fillingour hearts with joy and gladnefs." The apofle's argument had the defired effea; and the people were at lai, though with difficulty, perfuaded to lay afide their intended idolatrous facrifice: and furely no argument could be more proper to af- feil, the minds of his audience. Is it pof- fible to furvey the feveral parts of the creation, and not difcover in every place, evident traces ofan infinite wifdom, power, and goodnefs? Who can contemplate the heavens, and not difcern the wifdom of Omnipotence, adorning in the moll beau- tiful manner thofe lofty regions? Behold the fun, how jufly is that fourre of light and heat, placed in the centre of the pla- netary choir, that each may enjoy it's defined fhare of his prolific beams ; fo that the earth is not burnt by a too near approach, nor chilled by the northernbluffs from too great a recefs ; but impregnated with fruits and flowers, by the happy in- fluence of a vital heat, and crowned with luxuriant plenty by the benign influences of the feafons. Who but an infinite Being could launch there maffive globes through the immenfe regions of fpace, and confine their motions to their refpeitive orbits ? Who poizes the balancings of the clouds, that divides a water-coufefor the overflow- ing of waters, and a way for the lightening of thunder? Who can bind the fweet in- fluences of Pleiades, or loofe the bands of Orion ? Or who can bring forth Maz- zaroth in his feafon, or guide Arllurus with his fens? Do there happen by chance, or by the fecret appointment of Infinite Wifdom? Who can contemplate the won- derful properties of the air, the great trealury timely notice of their defign, fled from the city, and travelled to Lyfra, where they preached the gofpel to the inhabitants, and thofe who dwelt in the country adjacent. At Lyflra, there was a man amongfl the converts, who had been lame from his mother's womb, and never had walked : but Paul, perceiving that he had faith to be faved,'thought proper to add the cure of his body to that of his foul, knowing that it would not only be beneficial to him, but to all the rei of the believers, by con- firming their faith : and, that the miracle might be wrought in the moi confpicuous manner, he, in the midi of the congrega- tion, Paid in an audible voice to the man, Stand upright on thyfeet : and the words were no fooner pronounced, than his irengthwas at once refored, and he leaped up and walked, praifing God. They who were eye-witneffes to this mi- racle well knew, that it was not wrought by any human power; but having been initiated into the fuperflitious cufoms of the Heathens, cried out, in the fpeech of Lycoania, The Gods are con dozen to us in the likenefs of men. And accordingly they called Barnabas Jupiter, becaufe of his venerable gravity, and Paul Mercury, from his eloquence. Nor was it long be- fore the whole city refounded with accla- mations ; fo that almof all the inhabitants gathered themfelves together, and, pre- ceded by the prief of. Jupiter, and oxen dreffed in garlands, they came to the houle where the apofles were, intending to do facrifice to them : but as loon as Barnabas and Paul underftood their intentions, they were greatly aiè&ted at this fuperiitious attempt; and rending their clothes to ex- prefs their grief and abhorrence of the aflion, ran to them, crying out, " Ye men of Lyfra, ye are mifaken in the objeél of your worfhip ; for though we have done many miracles in the name, and by the power of CHRIST, yet we are no more than men, and fubjeft to the fame paflions as .yourfelvcs, and preach unto you the glad-tidings of falvation, that yemay forfake