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and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, &C. 325 companions Silas, Luke, and Timothy, and came to Samothracia, an ifland in the tE- gean fea, not far from Thrace ; and the next day to Neapolis, a port ofMacedonia. Leaving Neapolis, they repaired to Phi- lippi, the metropolis of that part of Ma- cedonia, and a Roman colony, where, for fome days, they refided. Paul, according to his confiant praétice, preached in a Profeucha or oratory of the Jews, which flood by the river's fide, at fome diftance from this city, and was much frequented by the devout women of their religion, who met there to pray, and hear the law. To thefe St. Paul preached the glad- tidings of the gofpel ; and, by the influence of the Holy Spirit, converted many, efpecially a certain woman named Lydian a Jewifh profelyte, a feller of purple in that city, but a native ofThyatira. This woman, being baptized with her whole family, was fo importunate with St. Paul and his companions to abide at her houfe, that they wert conítrained to accept of her invitation. While the apofiles refided in Philippi, they continued their daily courfe of wor- ¡hipping at the fame oratory. And after feveral days, as they were repairing to the fame place of devotion, there met them a damfel who had a prophetic fpirit of divi- nation, by whom her mailers acquired very great advantage. This woman followed Paul and his companions, crying out, Thefe men are the fervents of the Moll High God, whichThem unto us the way to falvation. Paul, at firit, took no notice of her, not being willing to multiply miracles without neceffity : but when he faw her following them feveral days together, he began to be troubled ; and in imitation of his great Mailer, who would not fuffer the devil to acknowledge him, left his falfe and lying tongue fhould prejudice the truth in the minds of men, commanded the fpirit, in the name of Jrsus, to come out of her. The devil with relufanceobeyed, and left the damfel immediately. As this miraculous cure proved a great No. 28. lofs to her mailers, who acquired large gains from her foothfaying, they were filled with malice and envy againft the apoflles ; and, by their infiigation, the multitude arofe, and, feizing upon Paul and his companions, hurried them before the ma- giftrates and governors of the colony ; accufing them of introducing many inno- vations which were prejudicial to the fiate, and unlawful for them to comply with, as being Romans. The magifirates being concerned for the tranquillity of the fiate, and jealous of all dillurbances, were very forward to punifh the offenders, againfi whom the whole multitude teftified ; and therefore commanded the officers to flrip them, and fcourge them feverely, as perfons who flirred up feditions. The fentence was accordingly executed; after which the apoftles were committed to clofe cuftody, the gaoler receiving more than ordinary charge to keep them fafely; and he accordingly thruft them into the inner prifon, and made their feet fail in the Rocks : but the moil obfcure dungeon, or the pitchy mantle of the night, cannot intercept the beams ofdivine joy and com- fort from the fouls of fuch pious men. Their minds were all ferenity, and at mid- night they prayed and fang praifes fo loud, that they were heard in every part of the prifon : nor were their prayers offered to the throneof grace in vain ; an earthquake (hook the foundations of theprifon, opened the doors, loofed the chains, and fet the prifoners at liberty. This convulfion of nature roufed the gaoler from his fleep ; and concluding from what he faw, that all his prifoners were efcaped, was going to put a period to his life ; but Paul obferving him, haffily cried out, Do thyfelf no harm, for we are all here. The keeper wasnow as greatly furprifed at the goodnefs of the apoilles, as he was before terrified at the thoughts oftheir efcape ; and calling for a light, he came immediately into the pre- fence of the apoftles, fell down at their feet, took them from the dungeon, brought them into his own houfe, waffled their 4 K firipes,