328 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD The fpirit of the apoflle was grieved at thefe fuperflitious praiices't he lamented to fee fo much zeal anddevotion mifplaced; and flattered himfelf, ifhe couldbut direa it to it's proper object, it would be ofeminent fervice to the church of CHRIST. Accord- ingly, he exerted all his ftrength for their converfion ; difputing on the fabbath-days in the fynagogues of the Jews ; and at other times took all opportunities ofpreaching to the Athenians the comingof the Mefliah to fave the world from fin and mifery. The apoftle's doctrine was equally new and orange to the Athenians ; and though they did not perfecute him as the Jews did, yet his preaching JEsus was confidered by the Epicurean and Stoic philofophers as a fabulous legend ; and by the more fober part as a difcovery offome new gods, which they had not yet placed in their temples : andthough theywere not unwilling to receive any new deities, yet as the Areopagus, the fupreme court ofthe city, was to judge of all gods, to whom public worship might be allowed, they brought him before thofe judges, to give an account of his dofirine in their hearing. Being placedbefore thejudges of this high affembly, St. Paul readily gave them an ac- count ofhis doarine, in a grave and elegant fpeech ; wherein he did not tell them they were horrible and grofs idolators, left he thould offend them,andtherebyprevent them from liftening to-his reafons ; but, having commended them for their religious difpo- fitions, he took occafion from the altar in- fcribed TO THEUNKNOWN GOD, to make a proper defence of his doarine. "I endeavour., Paid he, only to explain that al- tar to you, and manifeft the nature of that God whomye ignorantly worship; which is the God that made the world, and all things therein ; and who being Lord of all, dwells not in temples made with hands, nor is to be worfhipped in lifelefs idols. As he is. the Creator of all things, he cannot be confined to the workmanfhipof man, whether temples, or ftatues ; nor (lands inneed of facrifices, fence he is the foun- t tain of life to all things. He made from one common original the whole race of mankind, and hath wifely determined their dependence on him, that they might be obliged to feek after him and ferre- him. A truth perceivable in the darkeft {late of ignorance, and acknowledgedby oneofyour own poets. If this be the nature of God it is furely the higher{ abfurdity to reprefent him by any image or fimilitude. The divine patience bath been too much ex- ercifed already with fuch grofs abufes in re- ligion; but now expeas a thorough reform- ation, .having feet his fon JEsus CHaIST to make him known to the world, and at the fame time to inform them that he bath appointed aday ofgeneral judgment, when the religion of mankind fliàll be tried by the tell of the gofpel, before his only be- gotten Son, who is appointed foie Judge of quick and dead, and whofe commiffion to that high office bath been ratified by the Almighty, in railing him from the dead by his almighty power." He had no fooner mentioned the refur- reiion, than force of the philofophers mocked and derided him ; others, more modefl, but not fatisfied with the proofs he had given, gravely anfwered, We would hear thee again ofthis matter. Afterwhich, Paul departed from the court; but not without force fuccefs: for a few ofhis audi- tors believed and attended his inftruëtions; amongfl whom were Dionyfius one of the judges, and Damaris, thought by fame to have been his wife. And it is generally believed that Dionyfiuswas afterwards con- ftituted the firft bifhop of Athens by this apoftle. While St. -Paul remained at Athens, Timothy, according to the order he had received, came to him out of Macedonia, and brought an account that the Chriflians at Theflàlonicawere under perfecutionfront their fellow-citizens ever fince hisdeparture: at which St. Paul was greatly concerned, and at firft inclined to viftt them in perfon to confirm them in the faith they had em- braced; but being hindered by the enemies to