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334 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD Being now determined to return into Syria, in order to convey, the contributions to the brethren at Jerufalem, he fet out on his journey ; but being informed, that the Jews had formed a defign of killing and robbing him by the way, he returned back into Macedonia, and carne to Philippi, from whence he went to Troas, where he flayed (even days: here he preached to them on the Lord's day, and continued his difcourfe till midnight, being himfelf to depart in the morning. The length of his difcourfe, and time ofthe night, caufed fome ofhis- audience to be overtaken with fleep, and amongft them a young man, named Eutychus, who fell from the third dory, and was taken up dead; but the apoflle, by his prayer to the throne of grace, prefently reflored him to life and health. How indefatigable was the induf- try of this great apoflle ! How clofely did he tread in the Reps of his great Mailer, who went about doing good ! He preached, and wrought miracles in the name and by the power of CHRIST, wherever he came! As a mailer-builder, he either laid a foun- dation, or raifed the fuperftruéture ! He was inftant in feafon and out of feafon, and fpared no pains to affift the fouls of men, by warning and perfuading fome, and confuting and eflablifhing others. After having fpent the night in holy exercifes, St. Paul took his leave of the brethren in the morning, travelling on foot to Afros, a fea-port town, whither he had before Pent Isis companions by fea: from thence they failed to Mytilene, a city in the ills of Lelbos : the next day they failed from thence, and came over againft Chios, and the day following landed at Trogyl- hum, a promontory of Ionia, near Samos : the next day they came to Miletus, not putting in at Ephefus, becaufe the apoftle was refolved to be at Jerufalem on the day of Pentecoft, if poffible. Arriving at Miletus, he fent to Ephefus, to fummon the elders of the church, and on their coming, reminded them of the manner in which he had converted amongft 3 them ; how faithfully and affeaionately he had difcharged the offices of his miniftry, and how ineeffantly he had laboured for the good of the fouls of men.: adding, that he had never failed to acquaint them both in public and private, with whatever might be, ufeful and profitable to them ; urging both the Jews end Gentiles to re- pentance, and reformation of life, and a hearty entertainment ofthe faithofCHRIST: that now he was going up to Jerufalem, where he was ignorant of what might befal him, except what had been foretold him by thofe who were endued with the pro- phetical gifts of the Holy Ghofl; namely, that afllifìions and imprifonment would attend him: but that this gave him no con- cern, being willing to lay down his life whenever the gofpel required it, and fully determined to ferve faithfully his great Lord and Mailer. " I well know, con- tinued he, that ye will fee my face no more ; but for my encouragement and fa- tisfaftion, ye yourfelves can bear me wit- ñefs, that I have not, by concealing any part of the Chriftian doflrine, betrayed your fouls : and as for yourfelves, whom God hath made bifhops and pallors of his church, you fhould be careful to feed, guide, and direst thofe Chriflians under your infpeft.ion, and be infinitely tender of the welfare offouls, for whofe redemption the bleffed Jesus. laid down his own life. All the care, therefore, poffible for you to ufe is no more than neceffary ; for after my departure, heretical teachers will ap- pear in the church, to the great danger of the fouls of xnen, feeking by every crafty method, and pernicious doétrine, to gain profelytes to their party, and by that means fill the church of CHRIST with fchifmsand fafl.ions. Watchye, therefore, and remember with what tears and forrow I have, during three years, warned you of there things : and now I recommend you to the divine favour and proteftion, and to the rules and inftrufions of the gofpel, which, if adhered to, will undoubt- edly difpofe and perfeft you for that flate of