364 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD This heavenly fcene being ended, our bleffed Saviour travelled through Galilee with his apoftles, and at his return to Ca- pernaum, the tax-gatherers came to Peter, and afited him, whether his Matter was not obliged to pay tribute ? To which Peter readily declared, he did. On his entering the houle to give his Matter an account of this demand, Jesus prevented him, by afking, What thinkefi thou, Simon? Of whom do the kings of the earth take cufom or tribute? of their own children, or of (rangers? To which Peter an- fwered, not from their fervants and family, but from 'hangers. Then, replied our Lord, are the children free. I myfelf as being the Son of God, and you ,as my fervants are free from this tax yearly paid to God, for repairing his temple at Jerufa- lem. But rather than give offence, by feeming to defpife the houle of God, and undervalue that authoritywhich had fettled this tribute, he determined to pay it, though at the expence -of a miracle. Ac- cordingly, he ordered Peter to repair to the fea with a hook, and take the firft fills that offered, in whole mouth he fhould find a piece of money. The difciple obey- ed, and found the money as, his Mailer had foretold, and gave to the gatherers of the tribute for his mailer and himfelf, as their proportion of it. Our bleffed Saviour having entered the city of Jerufalem in triumph, he repaired to Bethany ; from whencehe fent two of his difciples, Peter and John, to make preparation for his celebrating the paffover before his death. Preparation being made, the great Re- deemer and his apoftles entered the houfe, and fat down to table. But their great Mailer, who often taught them by example as well as precept, arofe from his feat, laid afide his upper garment, took a towel, and pouring water into a bafon, began to wafh his .difciples feet, to teach them hu- mility and charity by his own example. But on his coming to Peter, he would by no means admit his Maker to perform fo 3 mean and condefcending an office. What! the Son of God ftoop to wafh the feet of a finful mortal ! A thought which (hocked the apokle, who firenuoufly declared, Thou (halt never wails my feet. But the bleffed JEsus told him, that if he wafhed- him not, he could have no part with him ; meaning that this akion was myftical, and fignified the remiffion of fins, and the purifying virtue of the fpirit of the Moft High, to be poured upon all true Chriltians.. Thisanfwerfufficiently removed the fcruples of Peter, who cried out, Lord, not myfeet only, but alfo my hands and my head. The dear Redeemer now began the in- ftitution of his fupper, that great and fo- fermi inftitution, which he refolved to leave behind him, to be conkantly celebrated its his church, as a kanding monument and memorial of his love in dying formankind; telling them at the fame time, that he himfelf was now going to leave them, and that whither he went, they could not come. Peter, not well underftandingwhat hemeant, afked him whither- he was going? To which our bleffed Lord replied, that he was going to that place, whither he could not now, but fhould hereafter follow him: intimating the martyrdom he was to fuffer for his Maker's religion. Peter anfwered, that he was ready now to followhim, even if it required him to lay down his life. This confident prefumption was not at all agreeable to the bleffed JEsus, who told him he had promifed great things, but would be fo far from performing them, that before the cock crew twice, that is before three in the morning, he would deny his Matter thrice. Having now ended fupper, they fung an hymn, and departed to the Mount of Olives; where Jesus again put them in mind how greatly the things he was going to fuffer would offend them. To which Peter replied, that though all men fhdll be offended becaufe of thee, yet will I never be ofended. After this they repaired to the garden of Gethfemane ; and leaving the ref' of the apokles