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and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, &c. 369 when fuddenly a found, like that of a mighty wind, ruffled in upon them, re- prefenting the powerful efficacy of that divine fpirit which was now to be com- municated to them ; after which there ap- peared fmall flames of fire, which, in the fhape of cloven tongues, defcended, and fat upon the head of each of them, to de- note that their enjoyment of this gift fhould be conffant and perpetual, and not like the prophets of old, who were infpired only at fomeparticular times and feafons : upon which they were all filled with the Holy Ghoff, which, in an inflant, enabled them to fpeak fluently feveral languages they had never learned, and probably never heard till this time. As this furprifing tranfafionhad different efleefs on the minds of the audience, fome confidering it as the etfef of a miracle, and others to the power and flrength of newwine ; the apoilles thereupon all flood up, and, Peter, in the name of the refs, undertook to confute this injurious ca- lumny : he told them that this fcandalous flander proceeded from the fpirit of malice and fallhood; that their cenfure was as un- charitable as it was unjuff ; that it was early in the morning, and, therefore, not a time for drinking, efpecially on a day fet apart for devotion ; that thefe extraordi- nary and miraculous efléfs were but the accomplilhment of an ancient prophecy, which theAlmighty had exprefsly declared fhould be fulfilled in the times of the Meffiah ; that Jesus of Nazareth had evi- dently proved himfelfto be that great pro- phet, the Son of the Moli High, by many .unqueflionable miracles, of which they themfelves had been eye-witneffes ; and though, by the:permiifionof Omnipotence, who had determined by this means, to bring about the redemption of mankind, they had wickedly crucified and Hain him, yet God had raifed him from the dead. Though this was the fill difcourfe that St. Peter ever made in public, it deeply aifeEted the audience, and every word, like a dagger, pierced them to the heart ; No. 31. fo that they cried out, Men and brethren, what 'hall we do? Towhich Peter anfwer- ed, The only way to expiate your guilt, and obtain pardon for the many fins you have committed, and acquire the gifts of the Holy Ghofi, is to repent fincerely, and be baptized into the religion of this crucified Saviour." A fhort time after this wonderful con - verfation, Peter and John going up to the temple about three in the afternoon, near the conclufion of one of the folemn hours ofprayer, they faw a poor impotent cripple, near forty yearsof age, who had been lame from his birth, lying at the beautiful gate of the temple, and afking alms of thofe who entered the facred edifice. This mi- ferable objea moved their companion; and Peter beholding him with attention, fait], " The riches of this world, the f lver and gold fo highly coveted by the fons of men, are not in my power to bellow; but I pof-' fefs the power of refloring life and health, and am ready to affifl thee." Then taking the man by the hand, commanded him in the name ofJesus of Nazareth to rife up and walk. Immediately the nerves and finews were enlarged, and the feveral parts of the difeafed members performed their natural funél.ions: upon which the man accompanied them into the temple, walking, leaping, and praifing God for his cure. An event fo flrange and extraordinary, filled the minds of the people with admi- ration, and their curiofitydrew them round the apofiles to view the men who had per- formed it. Peter, feeing the multitude ga- thering round them, took the opportunity of fpeaking to them in the following man- ner : " Men and brethren, this remarkable cure fhould not excite your admiration of us, as if we had performed it by our own power; it was wrought in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, our crucified Mailer, by the power of that very CHRIST, that holy and juif Perfon, whom you yourfelves denied, and delivered to Pilate, nay, and preferredamurderer before him, when the governor was defirous of letting him go: 4 W but