372 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD of God, all their powers and policies would be of no effeEt. The council were fatisfied with this pru- dent and rational advice, and after com- manding the apoflles to be fcourged, they driétly charged them to preach no more in the name ofJesús, and fet them at liberty : but this charge had little effef on the dif- ciples ofthe bleffed JESUS ; they returned home in triumph, rejoicing that they were thought worthy to furièr in fo righteous a caufe, and to undergo rhame and reproach for fo kind and fo powerful a Mailer. Hitherto the church at Jerufälem had been toffed with gentle dorms, but now it was overtaken by a more violent temperi, which commenced with the death of the proto- martyr Stephen, and was now car- ried on with greater violence ; nor did it end but with the difperfion of the difciples, by, which means the glad-tidings of the gofpel, which had till then been confined to Judea, and the profeffors of it hid in fecret places, was now preached to the Gentile world, and an ancient prophecy fulfilled, which fays, Out ofZion fhall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jeru- falem. Thus does the Almighty bring good out of evil, and taufe the malicious intentions of the wicked to redound to his praife, in the further fpreadingof the truth. The followers of the bleffed Jesus being thus difperfed, Philip the deacon retired to Samaria, where he preached thegofpel, and confirmed his doc`trine by many mira- culous cures, and calling out devils. In this city was one Simon, who, by magic arts and diabolical, forceries, was beheld with admiration by the people ; and force confidered him as the great power of God, a name he blafphemoufly gave himfelf, pretending to be the firri and chief deity, or what every nation confidered as the fu- preine God. This wicked mortal, hearing the fermons of Philip, and beholding the miracles wrought by him, became a con- vert to the religion of JESUS, and was bap- tized with the others who had embraced Chrillianity. 3 Several of the apoflles who continued at Jerufalem, were foon informed of this re- markable fuccefs of Philip's minifiry at Sa- maria, and thought it neceffary to fend him affiriance. Accordingly, Peter and John were deputed to this infant church, who having prayed and laid their hands on the new converts, they received the Holy Ghod. Such miraculous gifts aíto- nithed the magician, and defirous of ob- taining the fame privilege, he offered the difciples money to inveft him with this power, that on whomfoever he laid his hands he might receive the Holy Ghoft : but Peter, who perceived the infincerity of his heart, rejeéted his offer with from and deteflation. « Thy money, faid that great aporile, perkwith thee. And as thy heart is full of hypocrify and deceit, thou canri have no fhare nor portion in fo great a privilege. Thou wouldeft do well to re- pent for fo monrirous a crime, and fin- cerely apply thyfelf to feek the Almighty, that the thoughts of thy heart may be for- given thee; for I perceive that thy temper and difpofition of mind is dill vicious and corrupt, and that thou art yet bound by the chains of iniquity, and in a hate dif- pleafing to the Almighty, and dangerous to the welfare of thy own foul." This fpeech of St. Peter terrified Simon, his confcience flew in his face, and he prayed the apoftles to make interceffion for him to the throne of grace, that the Almighty might pardon his fin, and not infliC on him thofe heavy judgments they had denounced. After this violent form, the church en- joyed a time of calinefs and ferenity ; during which St. Peter went to vifit the churches lately planted in thofe parts, by the difciples whom the perfecution had dif- perfed : and at his arrival at Lydda, he miraculoufly healed Æneas, who had been affliCed with the pally, and confined to his bed eight years; but on Peter's bidding him arife in the name of JESUS, he was immediately reítored to perfect health. Nor was the fuccefs of this miracle confined to