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380 The NEW and COMPLETE L IFE of our BLESSED LORD Metaphrafles tells us, that he was defcend- ed from very mean parents, who brought him up to the trade of fifhing; but .at 'the fame time, took care to give him a more ufeful education, inflru&ing him in the knowledge of the Scriptures, whereby he learned wifely to regulate his condua. This apofile was, together with the relt, called to the apolilefhip, and not long after gave an eminent inftanceof his being ready to undergo the molt melancholy fate that might attend him : for when the reft of the apoflles diffuaded their Mailer from going into Judea at the time of Lazarus's death, becaufe the Jews lately endeavoured to lone him, Thomas defired them not to hinder his journey thither, though it might colt them all their lives: Let us go, raid he, that we maydie with him; concluding that inftead of Lazarus being railed from the dead, they fhould all, like him, be placed in the chambers of the dull. The holy Jesus, a little before his fuf- ferings. had been fpeaking to them of the joys ofheaven, and had told them, that he was going to prepare . manfions for them, that they might follow him, and that they knew both the place whither he was going, and the way thither; on hearing this, our ;Tonle replied, that they knewnot whither he was going, much lets the way that would lead them thither. To which our Lord returned this lhort but fatisfaaory anfwer, t ant the way; I am the perfon whom the Father hath fent into the world to !hew mankind the paths that lead to eternal life, and therefore you cannot mils the way if you follow my example, and obey my precepts. The minds of the difciples, who had Peen their great Matter expire on the crofs, were dillraaed by hopes and fears con- cerning his refurreElion, about which they were not then fully fatisfied, which engaged him the fooner to haffen his appearance, that by the fenfible manifehlations of him- lelf he might put the matter beyond all poffibility of difpute. Accordingly, the very day in which he arofe from the dead, he came into the houle where they were aflembled, while, for fear of the Jews, the doors were clofe Phut, and gave them fuflicient affurance, that he was rifen from the dead. Thomas was not prefent at this meeting, having probably never re- joined their company, fince their difperfion in the garden, when every one's fears prompted him to confult his own fafety. At his return, they told him, that the Lord had appeared to them, but he obffinately refufed to give credit to what they Paid, or to believe that it was really he, prefuming it rather a fpe&re or apparition, unlefs he might fee the very print of the nails, and feel the wounds in his hands and fide: a ffrange piece of infidelity ! Was it any thing more than what Mores and the pro- phets had long fince foretold ? Had not our Lord frequently declaredin plain terms, that he muff rife from the dead the third day? And could they queflion the polfi- bility of what he told them, when they had fo often feen him work the greateft miracles. The flubbornnels of Thomas, on this occafion, might have betrayed him into an eternal infidelity; but our compaflionate' Saviour would not take the advantage of his perverfe obflinacy ; for, on that day (even-night he came again to them, as they were folemnly met at their devotions, and, calling to Thomas, bade him look upon his hands, put his fingers into the print of the nails, and thruft his hand into his fide, to fatisfy his faith by a demonfiration from the fenfes. Thomas was loon convinced of his error and obllinacy, confehling that he now acknowledged him to be his Lord and Mailer, a God omnipotent, as he was thus ableto refcue himlelf from the power of death. Our Lord anfwered, that it was happy for him that he believed the echi- mony of his own fenfes; but that it was a more noble and commendable al offaith, to acquielce in a rational evidence, and to receive the doarines and precepts of the gofpel upon fuch teflimonies and affurances as will fatisfy a wife and lober man, though he did not himlelf behold them. After