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384 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of Our BLESSED LORD hilltop of that place : but being hi-lifted from the city, he fled to Argyropolis, where he preached the gofpel for two years to- gether with remarkable fuccefs, converting great numbers to the Chriftian faith. He next travelled over Thrace, Macedonia, Theffaly, Achaia, and Epirus; preaching the gofpel, propagating Chriflianity, and confirming the dolrine he taught with figns and miracles. At Taft he came to Petræa, a city of Achaia, where he gave his Ian and greateft teftimony to the gofpel of his divine Mailer; we mean, he fealed it with his blood, and received the crown of martyrdom by the following means. Æ,geas,whowasproconful ofAchaia,came at this time to Petræa, where, obferving that multitudes had abandoned the heathen re- ligion, and embraced Chriflianity, he had recourfe to every method both of favour and cruelty, to reduce the people to their old idolatry. The apoflle, whom no diffi- culties or dangers could deter from per- forming the duties of his minillry, addref- fed himfelf to the proconful, and calmly put him in mind, that being only a judge of men, he ought to revere him whowas the fupreme and impartial Judge of all, pay him the divine honours due to his exalted Majefly, and abandon the impieties of his idolatrous worship. The proconful, inflead of affenting to thefe arguments of the apoftle, ridiculed him as an innovator in religion, and a propagator of that fuper- flition, whofe author the Jews had put to the infamous death of the crofs. On his mentioning the crofs, our apoftle took the opportunity of reprefenting to him the infinite love and kindnefs ofour great Redeemer, who came down from heaven to purchafe the falvation of mankind ; and to obtain it, did not difdain to die upon the croft. The proconful anfwered, that he might hope to perfuade the credulous multitude of the truth of what he Paid : but, for his part, he would not liften to fuch a legendary tale; and if he did not comply with him, in doing facrifice to the gods, he would caufe him to fuffer upon that crofs he had fo highly magnified. St. Andrew replied, that he facrificed every day to God, the only true and omnipotent Being, not with fumes and bloody offer- ings, but in the facrifice of the immacu- late Lamb ofGod. This anfwer provoked the proconful, and he committed the apoftle to prifon ; which fo exafperated the people, that a mutiny would have en- fued, had not St. Andrew refrained them, perfuading them to imitate the mildnefs and patience of the meek and humble JESUS, and not hinder him from receiving the crown of martyrdom, which he was now going to receive. He was brought again the next day be- fore the proconful, who perfuaded him not foolifhly to throw away his life, but pre- ferve it, and enjoy the pleafures of the world. The apoftle told him, that if he would renounce his idolatries, and heartily embrace the Chriftian faith, he fhould, with him and the members who had be- lieved in the Son of God, receive eternal happinefs in the Meffiah's kingdom. The proconful anfwered, that he himfelf should never embrace the religion he mentioned; and that the only reafon why he was fo earnefl with him to facrifice to the gods was, that thofe whom he had every where reduced, might, by his example be brought back to the ancient religion they had for- faken. To which the apoftle replied, that he raw it was in vain to endeavour to perfuade a perfon incapable of fober coon - fels, and hardened in his own blindnefs and folly ; that with regard to himfelf, he might aél as he pleafed, and if he had any tor- ment greater than another, he might heap that upon him ; as the greater conflancy he (hewed in his fuiferings for CHRIST, the more acceptable he fhonld be to his Lord and Mailer. Ægeas, upon this, im- mediately paffed fentence of death upon him,not being able to refrain his rage any longer. The proconful firlt ordered St. Andrew to be fcourged,, (even liElors fuccellìvely whipping his .naked body; and, feeing his