and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, &c. qo3 voice, Lazarus, come forth. The dead obeyed the voice of the Son of God ; La- zarus immediately revived, and Jesus re- [bored him to his lifters. During the fupper at Bethany, Mary, to exprefs her gratitude to Jesus, took a pound of fpikenard, a very precious per fume, and poured it on the head and feet ofJesus, wiping his feet with the hair of her head ; and the whole houfe was filled with the odour of the ointment. Judas Ifcariot was highly offended at this gene- rous action ; but his Mailervindicated Mary, and told him, that by this file had performed an aB preparatory to his embalment, Ggni- fying, that his death and burial- were not far off. This is the last account of her in Scripture. MARY of CLEOPHAS. ST. Jerom fays, that Mary had the name ofCleophas, on account of her father, her family, or fome other reafonnot known. Others believe with greater probability, that fhe was wife of Cleophas, and mother of St. James the Lefs. However, fhe was prefent at the laic paffover, jull before the death of our Saviour ; fhe followed him to Mount Calvary ; and, during his paffion, fhe was, together with the virgin, at the foot ofhis crofs: fhe was alfo prefent at his burial, and on the Friday before had prepared the perfumes for embalming him. The year when Mary thewife of Cleo- phas died is not known ; but the Greeks keep the eighth of April in memory of the holy women who brought perfumes to em- balm the body of CHRIST, and pretend to. have their bodies at Conflantinople in a churchof the holy virgin, built by Juflin It. MARY SALOME, T -HIS holy woman was the daughter j of Mary of Cleophas, mentioned in the preceding article, and the lifter of St. James the Lefs, and others, who are in Scripture called the brethren of our Lord: fhe was coufin -german to the bleffed JEsus, according to the flefh, and niece to the bleffed virgin Mary. Her proper namewas Salome, and was improperly called Mary, which was the name of her mother; fhe was the wife of Zebedee, and mother of St. James the Great, and St. John the evangelift: the was alfo one of thofe pious. an HEBREW CONVERT. women that ufed to attend upon our blef- fed Saviour in his journeys, and to minif- ter to him. It was fhe that requefledJasus to place her two forts, James and John, the one on his right-hand and the other on his left in his kingdom. Salome followed our Saviour to Calvaryi and did not forfake him even at the crofs : fhe was alfo one of the holy women who brought perfumes to embalm him, and for that purpofe came early on the Sunday morning to the fepulchre. TROPRIMUS, TRO P H I M U S was a difciple of St. Paul, a Gentile by religion, and an Ephefián by birth. After St. Paul had converted him, he conflantly adhered to him, nor did he quit him ever after. He came with the apoftle from Ephefus to Co- rinth, and kept him company in his whole No. gq. a GENTILE CONVERT. journey from Corinth to Jerufalem, in the year ofour Lord fifty-eight. The Greeks keep the fourteenth of April in honour of Trophimus ; and fay he was beheaded by the command of Nero, together with St. Paul. His feflival is obferved on the twenty- ninth of December by thofe ofArles. 5 E TYCHICUS,