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402 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD T Y C H I C U S, a GENTILE CONVERT. Y CH I CU S was alto a difciple of St. Paul, whom that apoftle often made ufe of for carrying his letters to the feveral churches. He was of the province of Afia, and accompanied St. Paul, when, in the year fifty-eight, he made his jour- ney from Corinth to Jerufalem. He car- ried the epifile to the Coloffians, written in the year fixty-one ; and that to the Ephefians, written in fixty-five ; and the firft to Timothy, written in fixty-four. The Greeks celebrate the feflival of Ty- chicus on the eighth or ninth of December, and give him the title of oneof the feventy difciples, and bifhop of Colophon, in the province of Afia. Other martyrologifis mark his feflival on the nineteenth ofApril. TERTIU.S, a TE RT I U S, called alto Tirentius, was the amanuenfis or fcribe of St. Paul, when he wrote his epifile to the Ro- mans in the year of CHRIST fifty-eight, as appears in the fixteenth chapter, ITer- tius, who wrote this efUlle, falute you in GENTILE CONVERT. the Lord. The Greeks keep his feflival on the tenth ofNovember, and give him great commendations : and they make him fue- ceffor to Sofipater, in the bifhoprick of Iconium, in Afia. L I N U S, a GENTILE CONVERT. T INU S was one of St. Paul's difciples, jJ who mentions him in the firft chapter ofhis fecond epifile to Timothy, Linus and Claudia, and all the brethren greet ye. St. Irenmus, Eufebius, Optatus, Epiphanius, St. Jerom, and Theodoret, affirm, that Li- nus fucceeded immediately to St. Peter in the fee of Rome : he governed for twelve years and force months. The deftruélion of Jerufalem happened during his pontifi- cate, in the year of CHRIST feventy. His feflival is kept on the fifth of November by the Greeks, and on the twenty-third of September by the Latins. ONESIPHORUS, NESIPHORUS wasadifcipleof .St. Paul, and is mentioned by him in the firft chapter of his fecond epifile to Ti- mothy. He came to Rome in the year of CHRIST fixty-five, while the apofile was in prifon for the faith, and at a time when almoft every one had forfaken him. The Greeks place his feftival on the twenty- 3 a GENTILE CONVERT. ninth of April and the eighth ofDecember, and rank him in the order ofthe feventydif ciples, and feemto afcribe martyrdom to him. The Roman martyrology on the fixteenth of December fays, that he fulléred martyr. dom on the Hellefpont, whither he went to preach the gofpel alongwith Porphyries, STEPHANUS,