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and SAVEOUR, JESUS CHRIST; and his APOSTLES, &c. h-or-, A N A N I A S, a JEWISH CONVERT. ANANIAS was a difciple of the bief fed JESUS : he dwelt at Damafcus, when he was direfted,in a vifion from the Lord to go and find Paul, who had been lately converted, and was come to that city. We know noothercircumflances ofAna- nias's life befides this now related. The modern Greeks maintain, that lie was one of the feventy difciples, and made bifhop of Damafcus ; and that having obtained the crown ofmartyrdom, he was buried in the fame city : and here a fine church is to be feen in the place where he was interred. ERASTUS, a HE was a native of Corinth, and dif- tiple of St. Paul ; who flyles him chamberlain of that city, where St. Paul then was; or of Jerufalem, according to the modern Greeks. He adhered to the apofle, and reigned his employment of chamberlain. He followed him to Ephe- fus, where he was in the year fifty-fix of Jesus CHRIST : and from whence St. Paul fent him. with Timotheus to Macedon, pro- GENTILE CONVERT. bably in order to prepare the alms expelled from the faithful. They were both with him at Corinth in the year fifty-eight, when he wrote his epiflle to the Romans, whom he falutes in both their names ; and it is likely that Eraftus ever after followed St. Paul, till this apoffle's laft voyage from Corinth in his way to Rome, where he fufléred martyrdom in the year lxty-five.. E P A P H RO D I T U S, a GENTILE CONVERT. ST. Paul calls Epaphroditus,. the bifhop, or the apoflle of Philippi; or, if we underfland the word atm./talus in it's literal lignification, the mnger of the Philip- pians, as having been fent A. D. fixty-one, by the faithful of this church, to carry mo- ney to the apoftle, who was then in bonds, and in their name to be ferviceable to him with his perfon.. The feflival of Epaphro- ditus is obferved by the Greeks on the eighth or ninth of December, as well as on the twenty -ninth and thirtieth ofMarch; and they ffyle him apoffle, one of the fe- venty difciples, and bifhop of Adriafa, or Andraca. E P A PH R A S, a GENTILE CONVERT. 4T is generally believed, that Epaphras j was the firfl bifhop of Coloffè : he oúas converted by St. Paul, and verymuch con- tributed to the converfion of his fellow - citizens there. He came to Rome while St. Paul was in bonds in that city; and No. 34. 5 F was himfelf imprifoned with the fame apoffle, for the caufe ofChriffianity. The feflival of Epaphras is let down in- the calendars on the nineteenth of Judy ; and in them it is laid, that he fuffered martyrdom at ColotTe, in Phrygia. JOHN MARI,