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406 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD JOHN MARK, the DISCIPLE. JOHN MARK was the fon of a J Chriflian "woman, named Mary, who hada houfe in Jerufalem, where the apoftles and the faithful generally ufed to meet : he was alfo coufin to St. Barnabas, and a difciple of his. In the year fifty-one, Paul andBatnabas preparing to return into Afia, in order to vifit the churches, which they had formed there, was of opinion, that John Mark fhould accompany then in this journey; but St. Paul would not content to it: upon which occafion thefe two apoftles feparated. Paul went to Afia, and Barnabas, withJohn Mark, to the ide of Cyprus. We find the apoftle fpeaking advanta- geoufly of him in his epifile to the Color- flans, Marcus,fitter's fon to Barnabas, fa- luteth you: if he cometh unto you receive him. He makes mention of him again in his epiftle to Philemon, written in the year fixty-two, at which time he was with St. Paul at Rome : but in the year fixty-five, he was withTimothy in Afia. And St. Paul writing to Timothy, defires him to bring Marcus to Rome ; adding, that he was ufeful to him for the miniflry of the gofpel in thofe parts. The feftival of John Mark is kept in. the Greek and Latin churches do the twenty-feventh ofSeptember. Some fay, that he was bilhop of Biblis, in Phoe- nicia. AGABUS, the DISCIPLE and PROPHET. THE Greeks affure us, that Agabus was one of the feventy difciples of our Saviour. He foretold that there would be a great famine over all the earth: and St. Luke in the Ails informs us, that it accordingly happened under the emperor Claudius in the fourth year of his reign, and forty- fourth year ofJESUS CHRIST. In the year ofCHRIST fifty-eight, which was ten years after the above event, as St. Paul was going to Jerufalem, and had al- ready landed at Cefarea, in Paleftine, the fame prophet Agabus prediaed that St. Paul fhould be delivered into the hands of the Gentiles. The Greeks fay, that he fufferedmartyr- dom at Antioch; and they obferve his fef- tival on the eighth of March. Ever fince the ninth age, it has. been kept on the ninth of-February by the Latins. M A NA E N, a DISCIPLE and PROPHET. MANAE N, or Manahem, was the fofier-brother of Herod Antipas, and is mentioned in the thirteenth chapter of the Ails, and forty-fourth year of CHRIST. He was at Antioch with the other prophets, as Simon, furnamed Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Barnabas, and Saul, when the Holy Ghoft faid to them, Se- :prate me Barnabas and Saul, for the work 3 whereunto I have called them. Then after having faded and prayed, they laid their hands on them and let them go. It is thought that Manaenwas of the number of the feventy difciples. The authors of the Latin martyrology put his feaft on the twenty-fourth of May, and fay, that he died at Antioch. LUCIUS,